Fixing symbolic links created by relocate
About this task
In some cases, the VOB symbolic links that relocate creates might have to be modified to point to their intended targets. An incorrect symbolic link in a specific directory version can be removed with cleartool rmname –nco and replaced with cleartool ln –nco.
The relocate command makes an educated guess about the relationship between the source and target VOB roots and about the relationship between the source and target directories. Site-specific factors such as the contents of the NIS host map, VOB mounting and naming conventions on Linux® or the UNIX® system, plus the drive assignment, disk sharing, and naming conventions on Windows® can sometimes lead to an incorrect guess.
To help identify the sources and targets for symbolic links, the relocate command connects a symbolic link object to the target element object with a hyperlink of type HyperSlink. Use the cleartool describe command on the symbolic link to display information about this hyperlink, which can help to repair it if necessary.
The following commands replace a relative symbolic link created during a relocate operation with an alternative absolute pathname to the target VOB.
cd \bigdir
cleartool rmname –nco \bigdir@@\main\2\dir1
Modify non-checkedout directory version "\bigdir@@\main\2"? [no] yes
Link removed: "\bigdir@@\main\2\dir1"
cleartool ln –nco \new\proj2\dir1 \bigdir@@\main\2\dir1
Modify non-checkedout directory version "\bigdir@@\main\2"? [no] yes
Link created: "\bigdir@\main\2\dir1"