Scrubbing less aggressively
About this task
If your scrubbing regimen takes too long (perhaps spilling over into the work day), you can make the starting time for the default Daily VOB Pool Scrubbing job earlier. Alternatively, you can disable the Daily VOB Pool Scrubbing job and define a job that changes the way that scrubber is invoked, so that it takes less time to run.
You can revise scrubbing to process DO pools only, leaving cleartext pools alone, as the following procedure illustrates.
- Define a task whose executable program invokes the scrubber
as follows:
versionvault-home-dir/etc/scrubber –f –a –k do
- Register the task in the scheduler's task database.
- Define a new job in the scheduler that runs your task daily.
Choose an appropriate starting time.
- Disable the default Daily VOB Pool Scrubbing job in the
scheduler.You can disable a job by setting its end date to a time in the past or by deleting the job.
- Check all other jobs with sequential schedules.Change the schedule for any job that is defined to follow the default Daily VOB Pool Scrubbing job to follow the new job instead. The default Daily VOB Snapshots job follows Daily VOB Pool Scrubbing, so you must change this job to follow the new job.