Creating a development stream (Windows)
In the second page of the Join Project Wizard you will select a name for the development stream and identify the stream to which you will deliver your work. By default, this is the integration stream.

- In Development Stream, specify a name for your development
A useful naming convention is to include your username in the development stream's name. For example: jdoe_denali_release, where jdoe is a developer's username and denali_release is the name of the project you are joining.
- Identify the integration stream of the project you are joining and select it from the list.
Try it!
On the second page of the wizard, HCL VersionVault automatically completed the developer's stream field by providing a default name for your developer's stream.
In HCL VersionVault, notice the name format: your-username_project-name. In our exercise, this corresponds to your-username_denali_release. Accept the developer's stream.
VersionVault also
automatically completed the integration stream field with the name of the project's integration
In HCL VersionVault: denali_release_Integration.
- Accept the integration stream, and click Next.