Canceling a checkout (Windows)
You cancel a checkout from the HCL VersionVault Windows Explorer as follows:
- Select the checked-out file.
- Right-click and select Undo Checkout from the shortcut menu.
- If you want to retain a private copy of the file, in the Confirm Undo Checkout dialog box, keep the option Save copy of the file with a .keep extension selected. You can remove the .keep extension later on by renaming the file.
- Click Yes to cancel the checkout.
Try it!
- Select the checked-out author.txt file.
- Right-click and select Undo Checkout.
- In the Confirm Undo Checkout dialog box, keep the option Save copy of the file with a .keep extension selected.
- Click Yes to cancel the checkout.
- Look for the copy of the author.txt file with a .keep extension: author.txt.keep. You may need to press F5 to refresh your view. Notice that this copy is not under HCL VersionVault source control and is a view-private file. You can rename the file to any name.
- Check out the author.txt file again.
- Modify the contents, by adding, for example, your street address.
- Save the file and close the editor.
- Check in the author.txt file.
HCL VersionVault creates version 2 of the author.txt file on its main branch.