About this task
Both Windows Explorer and HCL
VersionVault Windows
Explorer provide context menus that include a
standard set of HCL
VersionVault commands. You can
customize these menus and add, remove, or modify commands in them.
To customize your HCL
VersionVault context
menus, perform the following tasks:
- Start the Context Menu Editor: Context
Menu Editor.
- Choose the application for which you want to customize
context menus.
- Choose the objects for which you want to customize
context menus.
- (Optional) Add or modify commands available for your
context menus. Available commands appear in the Available Menu Choices list.
For example, you can add a command that opens files
in an editor of your choice for editing instead of using the default Open command.
- Add or remove commands from your menus using the
list in This Menu Contents.
- Test your changes.
- Save your changes either to a file or to the registry.