Workflow for reconnecting to the network

When you can access the network (LAN) directly, connect using one of the following methods, depending on your hardware configuration and platform.
Hardware configuration: view on a laptop
If you use the UNIX® system or Linux®, connect the laptop to the LAN and make sure that the view is accessible to the host on which the view storage directory is located.
Hardware configuration: view on a removable storage device
UNIX system or Linux users, connect the removable storage device to the LAN and make sure that the view is accessible to the host on which the view storage directory is located.
Windows® system users, if you use the view on a removable storage device, connect the removable storage device to the computer on the network.
Hardware configuration: view copied to a storage device
- UNIX system or Linux users, use a standard UNIX or Linux copy command.
- Windows system users, use xcopy with the [ /D | /M ] /S /K /R options to copy files back to the original location.