To check in files and directories from a command prompt:
In a view, use cleartoolcheckin.
On the UNIX system or Linux and on Windows systems, you are prompted to accept the default or
enter a new comment that will overwrite the
Type any comments and press Return. Then, on a blank line, do
one of the following:
On the UNIX system or Linux, type a period or press
On the Windows system, type a period and press Return.
Linux tip: You can cancel the operation by entering a
standard interrupt signal such as Ctrl+C before typing
a period or pressing Ctrl+D.
Windows tip: You
can cancel the comment overwrite by entering a standard interrupt signal such
as Ctrl+C before pressing return. The checkin completes using the default
On Windows systems only, you can check in using HCLVersionVault Windows
Explorer or Windows Explorer.
In VersionVault Windows
Explorer or Windows Explorer, access the
view and select checked-out files or directories.
Access the HCL
VersionVault pop-up menu by
doing one of the following:
In VersionVault Windows
Explorer, right-click the selection.
In Windows Explorer, right-click the selection and click VersionVault.
Click Check In. The Check In window opens.
In the Comment field, you may overwrite or append to the comment you
entered when you checked out the file or folder.
Perform one of the following actions:
To check in one file only, click OK.
To use the current settings in this window for all selected items, click
Apply to All.
To interrupt the checkin process and to leave this and any remaining
items checked out, click Cancel.