- At a command prompt, enter a cleartool reqmaster command
for the branch you need to check out.
On the UNIX system or Linux:
cleartool reqmaster -c "add info re new operating systems" \
read_me_first.doc@@/main: Change of mastership at sibling replica
"sanfran_hub" was successful.
Mastership is in transit to the new master replica.
On a Windows system:
cleartool reqmaster -c "add info re new operating systems" ^
More? read_me_first.doc@@\main
read_me_first.doc@@\main: Change of mastership at sibling replica
"sanfran_hub" was successful.
Mastership is in transit to the new master replica.
- Wait for mastership to be transferred to your current
replica. To list the master replica of a branch, use describe:
On a UNIX system or Linux:
cleartool describe read_me_first.doc@@/main
branch "read_me_first.doc@@/main"
created 15-May-99.13:32:05 by sg.user
branch type: main
master replica: boston_hub@/doc
On a Windows system:
cleartool describe read_me_first.doc@@\main
branch "read_me_first.doc@@\main"
created 15-May-99.13:32:05 by sg.user
branch type: main
master replica: boston_hub@\doc
In this example, your current replica is boston_hub in the VOB
family \doc (on a UNIX system or Linux) or /doc (on a
Windows system). The output of the describe command shows that
boston_hub is the master replica of the branch, which means that you can check
out the branch as reserved.
- Perform a reserved checkout, edit the file, and check
in your work.
Windows tip: Detailed
information about requesting mastership from the graphical interface is available.
You can request mastership from the Find Checkouts window, the Merge Manager,
or the Version Tree Browser.