To find activities in your development stream with cleartool lsactivity
About this task
You can use cleartool lsactivity to find UCM activity objects in streams. This task describes how to find activity objects in your development stream.
You can run this command in a Windows, UNIX or Linux environment.
To list the activity objects in your development stream:
% cleartool setview pat_1.4_cropcircle
% cd /guivob
% cleartool lsactivity –cview
05-Aug.09:14:17 set_up_Java project pat "set up Java project"
06-Aug.14:17:19 change_copyright_notice chris “change copyright notice�?
this example, two activities are in the stream attached to
pat_1.4_cropcircle: set_up_Java_project and
change_copyright_notice. The string
05-Aug.09:14:17 indicates the activity creation date and time, the
string set_up_Java_project provides the activity’s ID (used as the
string in the activity-selector), and the string pat is the activity
creator, and the string "set up Java project" is the headline
associated with the activity.