Rebase a dedicated development stream to the baseline that
you made.
Use as the foundation baseline of the test stream the baseline
that you created. (For more information, see PA.BL1 in A test stream
to stabilize a baseline).
Control the changes that are being made in the stabilization
stream DS.
Other work from development streams
in the project can be delivered to the integration stream without
affecting the stabilization stream. Fixes implemented in the stabilization
stream are isolated from activities delivered to the integration stream.
When the code in the test stream is stable, make a baseline
in the test stream. (For more information, see PA.BL1.S in A test stream
to stabilize a baseline).
Deliver the baseline PA.BL1.S to the integration
In the integration stream, recommend the baseline from
the stabilization stream so that development streams can rebase to
(This is an example of an advance rebase operation.)