To enable a schema to work with UCM
- In the HCL Compass Designer, ensure that the schema does not contain a record type named UCM_Project, which is a reserved name used by the UCM integration with HCL Compass.
- Ensure that the schema to which you are adding packages is checked in. To check in a schema, click File > Check In.
- Click Package > Package Wizard to start the Package Wizard.
- Add the latest AMStateTypes package to the schema.
For information on applying packages, see the Help.
The AMStateType package requires you to map state types and set default actions, if they have not already been defined.
- Set the default actions for UCM.
- Add the UCMPolicyScripts package to the schema. For information on applying packages, see Help.
- Add the UnifiedChangeManagement package to the schema.
For information on applying packages, see Help.
The AMStateTypes package is also applied.
- In the next window of the wizard, select your schema. Click Next.
- The next window of the wizard prompts you to specify the schema record types. Set the check boxes of the record types that you want to enable. Click Finish. All selected record types must meet the published requirements.
- In the Setup State Types window, assign state types to the states for each record type. Click Finish.
- Set default actions for the states of each enabled record type.
Default actions are state transition actions that are taken when a developer begins to work on an activity or delivers an activity.
- In the HCL Compass Designer
workspace, navigate to the record type Behaviors (click
the schema name and then Record Types > Record Type > States and Actions > Behaviors). Double-click Behaviors to
display the Behaviors grid.
- Verify that the Headline field is set to Mandatory for all states.
- Verify that the Owner field is set to Mandatory for all Active and Ready state types.
- Validate the schema changes by clicking File > Validate. Fix any errors that are displayed, and then check in the schema by clicking File > Check In.
- Do one of the following actions:
- Click Database > Upgrade Database to upgrade the user database so that it is associated with the UCM-enabled version of the schema.
- Create a new user database that is based on the UCM-enabled version of the schema.