Simplify a deliver operation with a rebase operation
A rebase operation can simplify an alternate-target deliver operation when
a sibling stream needs to configure changes from a related stream (see Rebase operation and alternate target deliver
operation). Figure 1: Rebase operation and alternate target deliver
Because streams D1 and D2 are siblings, stream D2 can
deliver its activities to stream D1. However, stream D2 contains
changes in it foundation baselines that are not in stream D1. If stream D2 were
to deliver activities a1, a2, and a3 to stream D1,
all the additional activities in baselines in PA.BL2 would have to
be delivered also.
However, if you rebase stream D1 to the baselines in PA.BL2 in
the common parent stream before delivering the activities in stream D2,
this complex alternate target deliver operation can be simplified. During
the rebase operation, the changes in activities b1, b2, and b3 are
preserved. After the rebase operation, no activities other than a1, a2,
and a3 have to be delivered from stream D2 to D1.