Creation of composite baseline descendants
- Changes in the component since the last baseline was created
- Changes to the dependencies (a member is added or dropped)
- Replacement of member baselines by different baselines on the component

When you create a new baseline on component A, the work done on component C causes a new baseline, C.BL4, to be created to capture the changes. Because baseline C.BL3 was replaced by C.BL4, and baseline C.BL3 was a member of composite baseline B.BL1, a new baseline, B.BL2, on component B is made to record the relationship with baseline C.BL4. Because baseline B.BL1 was replaced by baseline B.BL2, a new baseline A.BL2 on component A is needed.
Unless you explicitly add dependencies to a composite baseline or drop dependencies from a composite baseline, when a baseline is created following on a composite baseline, the new baseline inherits the members of its predecessors. When a new descendant baseline is created, all dependencies of the composite baselines are checked and new baselines are created as needed.
A new baseline need only be created for the composite baseline, not for any member baselines of unchanged components. Unless a new baseline is needed for a project that is not using the composite baseline, you should not have to create a new baseline for component D. Baseline B.BL2 inherits baseline D.BL1 unchanged. A new baseline for component D would not be a member of the composite baseline B.BL2.