Requirements for replicas that preserve identities and permissions
The sites of replicas that preserve both identities and permissions must support the same set of user and group accounts (at least for the accounts that can be assigned to VOB elements). The user and group names and numerical IDs (UID/GIDs on Linux® or the SIDS on Windows®) must be the same across sites.
For example, on Linux, the sites must share the same NIS map. On Windows, the replicas must be in the same Windows domain. You cannot create identity-preserving replicas where some replicas are located on Linux or UNIX® systems, and the others are located on Windows systems.
On Linux and the UNIX system, you can maintain separate but identical user/group databases across NIS domains. On Windows, ownership modes (SIDs) are not consistent across domains.
- All replicas in a VOB family are not in the same Windows domain.
- Some replicas in a VOB family are located on Linux or UNIX system-based machines, and others are located on Windows machines.
- A VOB family consists of the replicas bangalore and tokyo, hosted on Windows in different domains, and the replicas boston_hub, sanfran_hub, buenosaires, and sydney, hosted on a UNIX system. The VOB hosts for boston_hub and sanfran_hub are in NIS domains that have the same user/group databases, so boston_hub and sanfran_hub are created as identities-preserving replicas.
- A VOB family consists of five replicas on Windows: seattle, aloha, troy, boston, and boston_backup. All replicas except boston and boston_backup are located in different Windows domains. The replica boston_backup is used as a backup replica for boston, and the hosts for these replicas are in the same Windows domain (but registered on two different HCL VersionVault registry hosts). The replicas boston and boston_backup are created as identities-preserving replicas.