General MultiSite troubleshooting tips
Many problems can be clarified, if not solved, by examining the various log files, checking your system configuration, and listing the history of exports.
- Checking the log files
- Install latest product fix packs
- Re-enter the command within a view and replica context
- List the export/import history at your replica
- Collect the basic MultiSite information
Checking the log files
To view log files, use the cleartool getlog command. .
- MultiSite log files:
- Export/import problems
- On Linux® and the UNIX® system: files in the directory /var/adm/hcl/versionvault/log/sync_logs
- On Windows®: files in the directory versionvault-home-dir\var\log
See also: vob_synctool_log.
- Transport problems
- Log file named: shipping
- Mastership request problems
- Log file named: msadm
- Other errors
- Command window Event Viewer (Windows)
- VersionVault log files. If HCL VersionVault problems affect MultiSite operation (for example, a MultiSite operation fails when the VersionVault db_server cannot process the VOB database), useful information appears in these log files.
Install latest product fix packs
If you have not already done so, install the latest MultiSite fix packs.Re-enter the command within a view and replica context
Most MultiSite commands do not require a view context or a mounted VOB replica. If a command such as syncreplica –import fails, you can produce better diagnostics by following the steps below.On Linux and
the UNIX system:
- Set a dynamic view or change to a directory within a snapshot view.
- Mount the VOB replica (dynamic view) or load a single file in the VOB (snapshot view).
- Change into a directory in the replica. If you used a snapshot view, this must be the directory containing the file you loaded.
- Enter the command again.
On Windows:
- Change to a view drive or to a directory within a snapshot view.
- Mount the VOB replica (dynamic view) or load a single file in the VOB (snapshot view).
- Change into a directory below the root directory. If you used a snapshot view, this must be the directory containing the file you loaded.
- Enter the command again.
List the export/import history at your replica
To list the exports from your current replica to a sibling replica, use the following command:
cleartool lshistory replica:sibling-replica-name@vob-selector
For example, to list exports from your current replica in the family /vobs/dev to the replica sanfran_hub :
cleartool lshistory replica:sanfran_hub@/vobs/dev
12-Jul.16:13 root export sync from replica "boston_hub" to replica
"Exported synchronization information for replica "sanfran_hub".
Row at export was: boston_hub=149 sanfran_hub=115"
29-Jun.16:19 smg change epoch of replica "sanfran_hub"
"Changed epoch row for replica
Old row was: boston_hub=152 sanfran_hub=115
New row is: boston_hub=149 sanfran_hub=115
epoch row set by special connected epoch tool."
29-Jun.10:12 smg export sync from replica "boston_hub" to replica
"Exported synchronization information for replica "sanfran_hub".
Row at export was: boston_hub=149 sanfran_hub=115"
To list the imports at your current replica, use the following command:
cleartool lshistory replica:
For example, to list imports at the replica boston_hub in the family /vobs/dev:
cleartool lshistory replica:boston_hub@/vobs/dev
25-Jun.11:46 smg import sync from replica "sanfran_hub" to
replica "boston_hub"
"Imported synchronization information from replica "sanfran_hub".
Row at import was: boston_hub=149 sanfran_hub=112"
10-Jun.12:36 smg import sync from replica "sanfran_hub" to
replica "boston_hub"
"Imported synchronization information from replica "sanfran_hub".
Row at import was: boston_hub=136 sanfran_hub=111"
Collect the basic MultiSite information
The commands listed below provide valuable information, especially if you are sending data to
HCL Customer
- multitool –version
- multitool lsreplica –long
- multitool lsepoch
- uname –a (Linux and the UNIX system)
- cleartool –version
On Windows, look for applicable messages in the Event Viewer’s application log and system log, and in the VersionVault MVFS log files (c:\mvfslogs).