Automated synchronization
You can use scripts and utilities to automate all phases of synchronization.
- Export phase. A script exports update packets from one or more replicas on a host to one or more siblings.
- Transport phase. The store-and-forward facility sends packets between sites. You can invoke store-and-forward as part of the export phase, or automate packet transport separately.
- Import phase. A receipt handler imports packets when they are received at a replica, and you can also schedule import of packets to occur periodically.
Use scheduled jobs to automate the export and transport phases, and use receipt handlers or scheduled jobs to automate the import phase. You can run the scripts that are shipped with HCL VersionVault MultiSite at any time and with any frequency, and you can vary the strategy for different families by using multiple jobs.
By default, the synchronization scripts place packets and shipping orders in the incoming and outgoing directories in the default storage bay, versionvault-home-dir/shipping/ms_ship (Linux® and the UNIX® system) or versionvault-home-dir \var\shipping\ms_ship (Windows®). This bay is defined in the shipping.conf template file on Linux and the UNIX system and the MultiSite Control Panel on Windows.
The scripts log their activity to files in the /var/adm/hcl/versionvault/log/sync_logs directory on Linux and the UNIX system and the versionvault-home-dir\var\log directory on Windows.