Creating a view on a NAS device
You can use a server storage location to host view storage on a NAS device.
About this task
If you want to create views on a NAS device, first create a server storage location for this purpose (see Creating server storage locations on a NAS device). The following command creates a dynamic view in a server storage location named ccnasviewstg.
cleartool mkview –tag viewtag –stgloc ccnasviewstg
You can also use the mkview command with –host, –hpath, and –gpath options. The following example creates a dynamic view on a NAS device. The view is served by a view_server process running on the HCL VersionVault host ccviewsvr-ux (a computer running Linux or the UNIX system) and has its storage on a NAS device mounted by ccviewsvr-ux at /net/nasdevice.
cleartool mkview –tag nasview –host ccviewsvr-ux –gpath /net/nasdevice/viewstg/nasview.vws –hpath /net/nasdevice/viewstg/nasview.vws /net/nasdevice/viewstg/nasview.vws