lockmgr process
On Windows hosts that are VOB servers, a lock manager arbitrates transaction requests to all VOB databases on that host.
When a process requests VOB data, the lockmgr process or the VOB's db_server grants or prohibits access to that data. If the data is available, the transaction proceeds immediately: the data is read or written, and output is returned to the calling program. If the data is unavailable (locked because another caller has been granted write access to the data), the caller waits until the lockmgr or db_server grants access to the data.
Unlike most other HCL VersionVault services, the lockmgr process is not started by the albd_server process. Instead, it is started when the VOB host starts. Lock manager startup options can be changed if necessary to improve VOB server performance for certain configurations. For more information, see About database lock manager parameters.