Restricted view access privileges for remote root
On Linux or the UNIX system, the root user account has restricted access privileges to dynamic views on remote hosts.
Although many HCL
VersionVault operations on hosts running Linux or the
UNIX system treat a remote root user (one who is not logged on to the local host) as a
privileged user, there are several exceptions to this rule.
- When a user logged on as root attempts to access a dynamic view on a remote host running Linux or the UNIX system, the user’s identity is interpreted as nobody.nobody (unidentified user, unidentified group). This interpretation is typical of NFS implementations on Linux and the UNIX system, and it provides a level of security comparable to that provided by NFS. Because HCL VersionVault does not support any mount option that controls how requests for access by remote root are treated, view access by remote root is not allowed unless the view specifies explicit access rights for nobody.nobody.
- Operations that change the user or group ownership of a view-private file, such as the chown command on Linux and the UNIX system, fail when run by remote root.