
If you need to uninstall Verse On-Premises application files, simply stop the Domino Web server, remove the Verse On-Premises .jar files, and then restart the Domino Web server.


  1. Stop the Domino Web server by entering the following command at the console:
    tell http quit
  2. Delete the existing Verse On-Premises jar files from one of the following directories, depending on how product was installed:
    <Domino program directory>/osgi/shared/eclipse/plugins


    <Domino data directory>/domino/workspace/applications/eclipse/plugins 

    Use the wildcard syntax "*-1.0.*-0.0-*.jar", core-1.0.*.*.jar and servlet-1.0.*.*.jar to ensure that only the Verse On-Premises jar files are removed.

  3. Restart the Domino Web server by entering the following command at the console:
    restart server