Content Integration facilitates easy integration with Content Management Systems and enables searching content from the Content Management Systems.
The component Unica Content Integration is installed or upgraded as a part of Unica Platform installation or upgrade.
To use Content Integration in Unica Centralized Offer Management, you must configure it in Unica Platform.
You can configure a third-party CMS for integration with Unica Content Integration. When you create partitions in Unica Centralized Offer Management, an entry for Content Integration resides in each partition. For example, if Unica Centralized Offer Management has three partitions, you can configure Content Integration for all the partitions of Unica Centralized Offer Management.
Content Integration offers the following out-of-the-box integrations: Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), HCL WCM, HCL Digital Experience (DX), HCL Commerce & Microsoft Azure (for cognitive services).
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