
Metrics measure the performance of an object and are always numeric. Typical metrics include financial metrics, such as cost and revenue, and performance metrics, such as the number of contacts and the number of responses in a particular marketing campaign.

You can define a metric to calculate its value based on other metric values. For example, you can define campaign profit as the revenue minus the cost. You can also define metrics that roll up from projects to programs and from programs to plans.

You associate metrics with metrics templates, which are in turn associated with the templates for other objects. As a result, when you add an object, the metrics identified through both templates display on the Tracking tab.

To organize the metrics you define, you can create groups within your metrics templates. Once established, a group can be added to other metrics templates as needed. You can also define metrics dimensions to track different values for each metric: for example, Actual value, Target value, Projected value (optimistic) and Projected value (pessimistic). Metrics dimensions apply to all metrics templates, and appear to users as entry columns on the Tracking tab.