Creating To-dos

To create to-dos, complete the following steps:


  1. From the Unica Platform homepage, select Plan > Checklist.
    The Checklists page appears.
  2. Click + To-do.
    The Create To-do panel appears.
  3. In the Status dropdown, select the status from the following options:
    • New - Select the option if the To-do is new.
    • In Progress - Select the option if the To-do is already in progress.
    • Complete - Select the option if the To-do is completed but you are creating it for tracking purposes.
  4. In the Priority dropdown, select the priority of the To-do using one of the following options:
    • Low
    • Medium
    • High
  5. Provide values for the following fields:
    • Name of To-do - A name for the To-do that you are creating. This is a mandatory field.
    • Description - A description for the To-do.
    • Select Checklist - A checklist that the To-do belongs to. This is an optional field. A To-do need not be part of a checklist.
    • Assign To - The user that you want the To-do to be assigned to. You can assign it to self or another user.
    • Due Date - The date by which the To-do should be completed.
  6. Click Add.
    A success message appears for the To-do that you created.