
Unica Plan is a tool for enterprise planning, collaboration, and workflow that provides a complete solution for the needs of marketers. You can use Unica Plan to get a comprehensive and holistic view of all marketing projects across your company.

You can then focus on improving each dimension of marketing planning. Everyone on the marketing team: chief marketing officers, marketing managers, event planners, creative directors, and marketing controllers, realizes immediate benefits in efficiency and performance.

What does Unica Plan do?

Unica Plan is the marketing resource management (MRM) solution to plan, budget, and monitor every type of marketing program in your company.

Use Unica Plan for the following tasks.

  • Get real-time visibility into every marketing program.
  • Manage all marketing activities, including advertising, brand management, direct and interactive marketing, promotions, events, collateral, research, public relations.
  • Enforce quality standards.
  • Increase productivity and optimization of resources, including people and budgets, through automated workflow, collaboration, and unique optimization capabilities.
  • Promote effective management of marketing content and projects that are created by dynamic marketing organizations.
  • Manage workflow and projects across the entire marketing operation for all types of media, events, campaigns, and brand loyalty efforts. For projects as diverse as mailers, ad campaigns, catalogs, and seminars, Unica Plan is an effective management tool.