Unica Campaign License
Unica Campaign entitlements consumption is calculated using below methods:
- Each distinct audience record is counted as 1 entitlement.
- Unica Campaign license usage is measured only for base tables mapped in the flowcharts.
- Unica Campaign license usage measures the base table record count for the flowcharts, which are executed in the licensing period.
- Flowcharts for mapped tables/files are scanned to get the count of distinct audiences.
- In case there are multiple base tables mapped for an audience level, then the maximum count of records with respect to a distinct audience is considered.
- Base table could be mapped to database table or physical files.
- For different audiences, the highest record for each audience will be considered.
- Consumption count is the summation of audience records per audience level.
- The same process is repeated for each Campaign partition. Campaign sends summation of records of each partition to Platform.
Campaign consumption is calculated with below formula:
Summation of records per partition (Summation of records per Audience level (Max of distinct records from all the base table from each executed flowchart).
Method 2:
- Go to
- On Manage audience levels dialog box:
- Choose any audience from the list which can be considered as Master Audience Level.
- Click on Master Table button.
- Select <audience name> Master Active Table from the list
- Click on Map button to choose table which can be considered as Master Audience Table for active records.
- Select <audience name> Master Inactive Table from the list
- Click on Map button to choose table which can be
considered as Master Audience Table for inactive records.
- Close
- Repeat all above steps for other audiences if customer have more than one Master Audiece Levels/Tables.
- Each audience can be mapped with only one Master Audience Table either for active records or inactive records.
- Mapping would be done with only tables from user data source and not from system data source.
- Customer can perform Unmap Table and Re-map Table operations as and when required.
Campaign consumption is calculated periodically. unica_acsesutil utility is run intermittently to collect processed records count, which is used to derive entitlement consumption.
If single master audience level/table is identified for active records then Campaign will send respective mapped table name and unique record count to platform, from every partition. For eg. If you see in above mapped table list, Campaign will send dbo.customer tables unique record count to platform.
If multiple audiences have master active/inactive tables mapped then Campaign will consider all respective mapped table names and their unique record counts.
If master audience level/table is idendified for inactive records then Campaign will consider only 20% unique record count of it. For eg. If you see in above mapped table list, Campaign will send count as - all unique record count of dbo.customer + 20% unique record count of dbo.Big_tab_twelveM
Customer MUST have inactive records in a separate table or they will be charged full price.