Upgrade overview An upgrade of Unica Interact is complete when you upgrade, configure, and deploy Unica Interact . The Unica Interact Upgrade Guide provides detailed information about upgrading, configuring, and deploying Unica Interact .
Planning the Unica Interact upgrade Upgrade your installation of Unica Interact after understanding the guidelines that are specific to your current version of Unica Interact .
Upgrading Unica Interact You can upgrade Unica Interact by overwriting your existing Unica Interact installation. If you cannot upgrade your current version of Unica Interact directly, you must install Unica Interact in a new location.
Uninstalling Unica Interact Run the Unica Interact uninstallers to uninstall Unica Interact . When you run the Unica Interact uninstaller, the files that were created during the installation process are removed. For example, files such as configuration files, installer registry information, and user data are removed from the computer.
configTool The properties and values on the Configuration page are stored in the Unica Platform system tables. You can use the configTool utility to import and export configuration settings to and from the system tables.
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