Unica Interact License
Unica Interact entitlement is calculated as:
- Each new session created is counted as 1 usage
- Each session includes up to 10 API invocations. After that, each set of 10 API invocations is counted as an additional one.
- Each API invocation in an execute Batch is counted individually.
- getVersion, endSession and setDebug do not count
- Interact Multiple Server Groups:
If you are using Interact and you have multiple Interact server groups installed with multiple Marketing Platform instances then you can use options provided on licensing details screen as Master and slave.
On the license detail page, select Platform radio button for making current platform as slave. You can use this option for the Marketing Platform used for the Interact runtime server group. Each Marketing Platform instance used for runtime server group should select this option.
On selection, the user will be asked for a Master platform - URL, You will need to provide the Marketing Platform URL of the Marketing Platform which is connected with the License Server.
You can enter Active User credentials (username/password). Upon entering details and successful authentication, the slave platform will connect to the license server via the master Marketing Platform. Consumption will be reported on the license server connected to the master Marketing Platform.
Slave platform(s) calls the master platform for maintaining entitlement consumption count. Interaction count pushed by Slave platform is added into Master Platform’s Interactions count. The Sum of both (Master and Slave) count is pushed to FNO.
Example:- Master interaction count = 10
- Slave interaction count = 5
- Total interaction count to update on License server will be 10+5 = 15