HCL® Contact Optimization v11.0 documentation
Welcome to the HCL Contact Optimization v11.0 documentation, where you can find information about how to administer and use HCL® Contact Optimization.
Contact Optimization operates as part of the HCL® Marketing Software suite of products. Contact Optimization version 11.0 requires HCL® Campaign 11.0.
System requirements and compatibility
Contact Optimization operates as part of the HCL® Marketing Software suite of products. Contact Optimization version 11.0 requires HCL® Campaign 11.0.
New features and changes in version 11.0
The following new enhancements are introduced in version 11.0 of Contact Optimization.
Fixed defects
No defects have been fixed in HCL® Contact Optimization version 11.0.
Known issues
This section lists known issues in Contact Optimization 11.0.
Known limitations
This section lists known limitations in Contact Optimization 11.0.
An installation of Contact Optimization is complete when you install, configure, and deployinstall and configure Contact Optimization. The Contact Optimization Installation Guide provides detailed information about installing, configuring, and deployinginstalling and configuring Contact Optimization.
Installation overview
An installation of Contact Optimization is complete when you install, configure, and deployinstall and configure Contact Optimization. The Contact Optimization Installation Guide provides detailed information about installing, configuring, and deployinginstalling and configuring Contact Optimization.
Planning the Contact Optimization and Attribution Modeler installation
When you plan your Contact Optimization and Attribution Modeler installation, you must ensure that you have set up your system correctly, and that you have configured your environment to deal with any failures.
Installing Contact Optimization
You must run the HCL® Marketing Software installer to start the installation of Contact Optimization. The HCL Marketing Software installer starts the Contact Optimization installer during the installation process. Make sure that the HCL Marketing Software installer and the product installer are saved at the same location.
Configuring Contact Optimization
Contact Optimization does not have a stand-alone web application. Configure Contact Optimization after you install, configure, deploy, and verify your installation of Campaign.
Configuring multiple partitions for Contact Optimization
In the Campaign family of products, partitions provide a way to secure the data that is associated with different groups of users. When you configure Campaign or a related HCL® Marketing Software application to operate with multiple partitions, users can see each partition as a separate instance of the application. There is no indication that other partitions exist on the same computer.
Uninstalling Contact Optimization and Attribution Modeler
Run the Contact Optimization and Attribution Modeler uninstallers to uninstall Contact Optimization. When you run the Contact Optimization uninstaller, the files that were created during the installation process are removed. For example, files such as configuration files, installer registry information, and user data are removed from the computer.
The properties and values on the Configuration page are stored in the Marketing Platform system tables. You can use the configTool utility to import and export configuration settings to and from the system tables.
An upgrade of Contact Optimization is complete when you upgrade, configure, and deployupgrade and configure Contact Optimization. The Contact Optimization Upgrade Guide provides detailed information about upgrading, configuring, and deployingupgrading and configuring Contact Optimization.
Upgrade overview
An upgrade of Contact Optimization is complete when you upgrade, configure, and deployupgrade and configure Contact Optimization. The Contact Optimization Upgrade Guide provides detailed information about upgrading, configuring, and deployingupgrading and configuring Contact Optimization.
Planning the Contact Optimization upgrade
Upgrade your installation of Contact Optimization after understanding the guidelines that are specific to your current version of Contact Optimization.
Upgrading Contact Optimization
You can upgrade Contact Optimization by overwriting your existing Contact Optimization installation.
Configuring Contact Optimization
Contact Optimization does not have a stand-alone web application. Configure Contact Optimization after you install, configure, deploy, and verify your installation of Campaign.
Uninstalling Contact Optimization and Attribution Modeler
Run the Contact Optimization and Attribution Modeler uninstallers to uninstall Contact Optimization. When you run the Contact Optimization uninstaller, the files that were created during the installation process are removed. For example, files such as configuration files, installer registry information, and user data are removed from the computer.
The properties and values on the Configuration page are stored in the Marketing Platform system tables. You can use the configTool utility to import and export configuration settings to and from the system tables.
High-level steps involved in the Fast Upgrade process
The IBM Marketing Software Fast upgrade process is introduced to help complete the upgrade process in a short time so that you encounter less downtime on your production environment. Also, Fast upgrade process will get executed on clean 11.0 environment, so users existing environment will remain untouched.
HCL® Contact Optimization is a web-based extension of HCL Campaign that allows you to determine the optimal contact strategy for each customer. You can optimize over time, looking across the proposed offers and channels across multiple marketing campaigns.
Contact Optimization overview
HCL® Contact Optimization is a web-based extension of HCL Campaign that allows you to determine the optimal contact strategy for each customer. You can optimize over time, looking across the proposed offers and channels across multiple marketing campaigns.
Getting started with Contact Optimization
Contact Optimization can optimize your marketing campaign and improve response from customers, but only if you know what you want to optimize. You need a plan, the data to support the plan, and an implementation method.
Contact Optimization sessions
A Contact Optimization session is a combination of rules and scores that apply to a set of proposed contacts.
Optimization rules
HCL® Contact Optimization uses the rules and scores you define in your Contact Optimization session to mathematically determine the best combination of final contacts you use across your marketing campaigns.
Setting up scores
You use scores in HCL® Contact Optimization to rank possible offers for each customer using a patent-pending optimization algorithm. The higher the score you assign to a contact, the more desirable you are making that contact. Contact Optimization maximizes the sum of scores in the OCT.
Generate a list of proposed contacts
The optimization process involves generating a list of proposed contacts in HCL® Campaign and sending these contacts to HCL Contact Optimization to produce optimized contacts.
Use optimized contacts in marketing campaigns
After you optimize the proposed contacts, you must retrieve the optimized contacts from HCL® Contact Optimization to send marketing communications to these contacts.
Viewing reports
For each production run or test run, HCL® Contact Optimization generates a number of reports. These reports help you understand what happened during the optimization process by providing analyses pre- and post-optimization.
Administering Contact Optimization
There are many aspects of HCL® Contact Optimization you can configure to improve performance.
Contact Optimization configuration properties
This section describes the HCL® Contact Optimization configuration properties that are found on the Configuration page.
There are common configuration issues that can interfere with running Contact Optimization. There are many more complex situations with a mixture of configuration settings, rule configuration, and data that might cause unexpected results in your Contact Optimization session. The following sections provide details on troubleshooting and fixing these scenarios.
Contact Optimization troubleshooting tips
There are common configuration issues that can interfere with running Contact Optimization. There are many more complex situations with a mixture of configuration settings, rule configuration, and data that might cause unexpected results in your Contact Optimization session. The following sections provide details on troubleshooting and fixing these scenarios.
General tuning and performance tips for Contact Optimization
Keep in mind these points when you make data or configuration decisions, if you are concerned about performance.
The HCL® Contact Optimization system tables document is intended to help your company understand the HCL Contact Optimization data model for integration purposes.
The HCL Contact Optimization System Tables document
The HCL® Contact Optimization system tables document is intended to help your company understand the HCL Contact Optimization data model for integration purposes.
Contact Optimization System Tables
The system table reference provides details on each of the HCL® Contact Optimization system tables. The data types that are indicated in the following tables are generic types that may be different in your HCL Contact Optimization installation, depending on the database that is used for the system tables. The HCL Contact Optimization system tables are stored in a database that was created before the HCL Contact Optimization installation. The database can have any name. The ODBC or native connection provides a connection to the database.