After you enable agent capacity optimization, create a Contact Optimization session, select the agent tables, and define
the Min/Max # Offers Capacity rule to create your output.
Before you begin
Before you run a Contact Optimization session with
agent capacity rules, verify the contents of the tables. It is validated if the agent customer
relationship table, as well the Agent information table, contain the most up-to-date data. This can
be done only outside of Contact Optimization, for example,
by using a query editor.
Create a Contact Optimization session, and select the
agent channel, agent customer relationship table, and agent information table for this
After you select the tables for your session, you see template details. Ensure whether the
agent tables contain the correct audience level for the session that is similar to the configuration
of the template tables.
After saving, the session is ready to use.
Click the Rules tab on the Contact Optimization session you create. Then, select the cross
customer Min/Max # Offers Capacity rule on the channel that you selected as the agent channel, which
you created during your Contact Optimization session. This
rule is the only rule that is supported for agent optimization.
- A minimum capacity of zero is assumed when the Agent channel is selected. It cannot be changed
because the capacity comes from the underlying agent information table.
- The time period for agent optimization is always This optimization
- As with any other rule, the score is taken into account for the Agent channel.
- After you add the Min/Max # Offers Capacity rule on the agent channel, you add one or more other
rules according to your business goals.
Click Production run.
After the Contact Optimization session runs, you can
export the data from the optimized contact table (OCT) and route it to agents in your
This is an external procedure from Contact Optimization and is implementation-specific.
For example, ETL routines can be used from the outcome of the optimized contacts table
(OCT). Then, this data can be exported to the agents.
Your output is under the Analysis tab. Your output shows an offer count,
as well as the totals for how many contacts were removed and are remaining because of Min/Max #
Offers Capacity rule on the agent channel.
- Optional:
If you get results that underutilized the agent's capacities, enable
EnableMaxCapacityConsumption to reduce the loss of agent capacity. Then,
rerun the Contact Optimization session.
What to do next
Keep in mind that Contact Optimization does
not provide solutions when the agent has too many contacts or when
an agent can work on more than the assigned discussions or contacts.
You must take this into consideration when you create and populate
your tables.