Use this method only if you are sure that the packages
are mutually exclusive. This method also requires a custom field in
your Contact Optimization template
About this task
For information about working with flowcharts, see to the HCL®
Campaign User's Guide.
- Create a batch flowchart in Campaign.
Add an Extract process
to the
- Follow instructions in Selecting the package that contains the optimized contacts, selecting
all packages to be processed in the same post-optimization session.
- Select the field from which you want to extract optimized
Note: You use this same field in the Segment
process to segment audience IDs back into their original packages.
From the Extract tab of the Extract process, select a field in the
Candidate fields section.
- Click Add.
The field populates the Fields to extract section.
- Click OK.
Add a Segment process
to the flowchart, and connect the Extract process to the Segment process.
Perform a test run of the Extract process.
The Extract process runs and communicates information to the Segment process.
- Configure the Segment process.
- Select the Extract process from the list in the Input field.
Select Segment by field.
Select the field by which you want to segment audience IDs back into their original packages
from the Segment by field list.
This field is the same field that you selected in step 4.
- Select the packages that you want to segment and click Close.
Select the Create extract tables check box.
Complete the Extract tab by selecting the Target data
source and the fields to include in the Extract table.
- Direct each package into its own contact process, for example,
the Mail List or Call List process.