Campaign | partitions | partition[n] | Optimize | logging
This property defines logging settings for Contact Optimization.
- Description
Set this integer to the number of backup files to store. This effects the Contact Optimization Server log (unica_acosvr_SESSIONID.log in the partitions/partition[n]/logs directory of your Contact Optimization installation.).
- Default value
- Description
Set to True to log the ID of the Contact Optimization server process in the Contact Optimization Server log (unica_acosvr_SESSIONID.log in the partitions/partition[n]/logs directory of your Contact Optimization installation). Otherwise, set to False.
- Default value
- Valid Values
True | False
- Description
You can specify the categories of data you want to log in a comma-separated list. This setting affects the Contact Optimization Server log (unica_acosvr_SESSIONID.log in the partitions/partition[n]/logs directory of your Contact Optimization installation.).
- Default value
- Valid Values
all | bad_order | cell_access | commands | config | data_errors | dbload | file_access | general | memory | procrun | query | sort | sysquery | table_access | table_io | table_mapping | webproc
- Description
You can set the details for the server data you log.
This setting affects the Contact Optimization Server log unica_acosvr_SESSIONID.log in the partitions/partition[n]/logs directory of your Contact Optimization installation).
- Default value
- Valid Values
- Description
If set to True, Contact Optimization generates a separate file in comma-separated value (CSV) format. The CSV file contains details of customers Contact Optimization cannot process. Contact Optimization cannot process a customer if either of the following are true:
- Contact Optimization exceeds the limit that is set by MaxAlternativesPerCustomerEvaluated, and no legal alternatives are found for a customer.
- ContinueOnGenerationLoopError is set to True and Contact Optimization encounters a generation loop error.
Each row corresponds to one customer. The first column is the customer ID and the second column is the reason why Contact Optimization was not able to process the customer. The file is named unprocessables_sessionID.csv and is in the partitions/partition[n]/logs directory of your Contact Optimization installation.
If set to False, Contact Optimization does not generate a list of customers that cannot be processed.
- Default value
- Valid Values
True | False
- Description
Set this integer in bytes to the maximum size for a log file. Contact Optimization creates a file after the log file reaches this size. This setting affects the Contact Optimization Server log (unica_acosvr_SESSIONID.log in the partitions/partition[n]/logs directory of your Contact Optimization installation.).
- Default value
- Description
Set to True to enable logging. Otherwise, set to False. This setting affects the Contact Optimization Server log (Optimize_installation_directory/partitions/partition[n]/logs/unica_acosvr_SESSIONID.log).
- Default value
- Valid Values
True | False
defaultFilePermissions (UNIX™ only)
- Description
The permission level for the generated log files in the numeric format. For example, 777 for read, write, and run permissions.
- Default value
660 (Owner and Group have read and write access only.)