Troubleshooting flowcharts and processes
Refer to this section for assistance in troubleshooting issues with Unica Campaign processes and flowcharts.
Packaging flowchart files for troubleshooting If you need help from HCL to troubleshoot a flowchart, you can automatically collect relevant data to send to the Technical Support.
Error saving flowchart after deleting an offer used in a process Problem or error : When you save a flowchart after deleting an offer that is used in one of the flowchart's process boxes, Unica Campaign displays an integrity constraint error.
A merge of two Select processes gives unexpected results Problem or error: When two Select processes are merged using the Match (AND) on include option in the Merge process, the results do not equal the results from an equivalent single Select process.
Raw SQL in midstream Select or Segment process requires <TempTable> token When raw SQL is used in a Select or Segment process with an input cell, you should use the <TempTable> token to join against the incoming cell IDs. Not using the <TempTable> token might result in longer execution times.
<TempTable> use warning is not displayed if data source is changed to enable use of temp tables When you use raw SQL, you should use <TempTable> tokens.
Optimize process not cleaned up properly after crash Problem or error: If a flowchart containing an Optimize process crashes with the Optimize process running, the Optimize process is not cleaned up, and the Optimize session in which it is participating reports that a campaign is still running (Optimize will not run the session).
Problem profiling offer and cell UCGFs In contact processes, the profile function does not work on offer or cell Unica Campaign -generated fields (UCGFs).
Error: SERVER ignored previous N messages (server busy) Problem or error: The following message appears in the flowchart log: SERVER ignored previous N messages (server busy)
Branch or process flowchart runs are not displayed on the Monitoring page Only flowcharts that are run in their entirety appear on the Monitoring page.
Monitoring page does not display running flowcharts with WebSphere 6.1 and two nodes Problem or error : The Unica Campaign Monitoring page fails to display any running flowcharts in a Unica Campaign environment with the WebSphere 6.1 application server and two nodes.
How to shut down the server when flowcharts use triggers Problem or error: What issues should I be aware of when I must shut down the server on which Unica Campaign is installed, and I have flowcharts that use triggers?
Problem setting up a trigger with a wildcard on UNIX Problem or error: The following trigger did not work: /campaign/bin/unica_actrg -p 4664 * go
Precision loss with large numbers or non-integer values Problem or error : Due to limitations of the data types used in Unica Campaign , precision loss can occur in a number of circumstances.
Data-driven offer attributes are not validated Unica Campaign does not perform validation on parameterized offer attribute values. For example, if the offer expiration date is parameterized and is populated from a table data field with a date value in the past, this is allowed.
Length of numeric database columns is changed on export Problem or error: Numeric database columns of length N are changed to length N +7 in the data dictionary file (.dct file).
Cannot print flowcharts with Internet Explorer Print function Problem or error: Flowcharts cannot be printed using the Internet Explorer Print function.
Wrong sort order error in the flowchart log file Problem or error: "Wrong sort order" entries appear repeatedly in the flowchart log file.
Segment process displays Error 11302 Problem or error: After running a Segment process, Unica Campaign displays the following error: Error 11302: No more records.
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