The upgrade of HCL Unica products is complete when you upgrade, configure, and deploy the HCL Unica products. The Unica Centralized Offer Management Upgrade Guide provides detailed information about upgrading, configuring, and deploying the products.
When you plan your Unica Centralized Offer Management upgrade, ensure that you have set up your system correctly, and that you have configured your environment to deal with any failures.
You can upgrade Unica Centralized Offer Management to version 12.1 from version or 12.0.0.
There are general guidelines for deploying Unica Centralized Offer Management on WebSphere® and WebLogic.
Run the Unica Centralized Offer Management uninstaller to uninstall Unica Centralized Offer Management. For more information, see Unica Centralized Offer Management Installation Guide.
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