Unica Audience Central Documentation
Welcome to the Unica Audience Central 12.1.6 documentation, where you can find information about how to administer and use Unica Audience Central.
System requirements and compatibility
Unica Audience Central system requirements and compatibility details.
About the product
Unica Audience Central is a centralized tool to create and maintain audience levels that can be targeted by a campaign. Unica Audience Central integrates with Unica Campaign and Unica Interact.
Fixed Defects
The following table lists the fixed defects in Unica Audience Central 12.1.6
Known issues
Unica Audience Central 12.1.6 includes the following known issues:
Before you contact HCL technical support
If you encounter a problem that you cannot resolve by referring the documentation, your company's designated support contact can log a call with HCL technical support. Use these guidelines to ensure that your problem is resolved efficiently and successfully.
Installation overview
The installation of HCL Unica products is complete when you install, deploy, and configure the HCL Unica products.
Planning the Unica Audience Central installation
When you plan your Unica Audience Central installation, ensure the following:
Configuring the web application server for your JDBC driver
The web application server where you plan to deploy Unica Audience Central must contain the correct JAR file to support JDBC connections. This enables your web application to connect to the system tables. The location of the JAR file must be included in the class path of the web application server.
Installing Unica Audience Central
You must run the Unica installer to start the installation of Audience Central. The Unica installer starts the product installer during the installation process. Make sure that the Unica installer and the product installer are saved at the same location.
Deploying Unica Audience Central
There are general guidelines for deploying Unica Audience Central.
Configuration of Unica Audience Central after Deployment
After you deploy and start the Unica Audience Central application, log in and verify the installation. There are some basic configuration steps you must perform.
Administration of Unica Audience Central
After installing Unica Audience Central, the administrator must complete a few procedures to activate and use Unica Audience Central.
Uninstalling Unica Audience Central
To uninstall Unica Audience Central, run the uninstaller. When you run the uninstaller, the files that were created during the installation process are removed. For example, files such as configuration files, installer registry information, and user data are removed from the computer.
Installation overview
The installation of HCL Unica products is complete when you install, deploy, and configure the HCL Unica products.
Planning the Unica Audience Central installation
When you plan your Unica Audience Central installation, ensure the following:
Configuring the web application server for your JDBC driver
The web application server where you plan to deploy Unica Audience Central must contain the correct JAR file to support JDBC connections. This enables your web application to connect to the system tables. The location of the JAR file must be included in the class path of the web application server.
Installing Unica Audience Central
You must run the Unica installer to start the installation of Audience Central. The Unica installer starts the product installer during the installation process. Make sure that the Unica installer and the product installer are saved at the same location.
Deploying Unica Audience Central
There are general guidelines for deploying Unica Audience Central.
Configuration of Unica Audience Central after Deployment
After you deploy and start the Unica Audience Central application, log in and verify the installation. There are some basic configuration steps you must perform.
Administration of Unica Audience Central
After installing Unica Audience Central, the administrator must complete a few procedures to activate and use Unica Audience Central.
Uninstalling Unica Audience Central
To uninstall Unica Audience Central, run the uninstaller. When you run the uninstaller, the files that were created during the installation process are removed. For example, files such as configuration files, installer registry information, and user data are removed from the computer.