Web-based administration

You can administer IBM Traveler from a web browser. Web-based administration is available in both standalone server configurations as well as in HA pool configurations.

Access the administration interface from a browser using the following link:

You will be required to authenticate with a User ID and password before you can access the administration site. The ACL for the user should be at least READER, and the Administrator role either enabled or not enabled (For more information, see Controlling access to the administration interface).

The web based administration interface has the following views available:
  1. Device Security - displays device information specific to device wipe support and IBM Traveler security policy settings. At the beginning of the list there is a tool bar that allows an administrator to take action on the selected devices. Also, double clicking the selected row displays detailed security information about that device.
  2. Device Settings - a built-in set of default device preferences and security settings that an administrator can modify for use when a device initially registers with IBM Traveler. Device preferences control how and what data is synced with devices, and security settings define the security policy for devices.
  3. Devices - displays a list of all devices on the server(s). Double clicking on the selected row displays detailed information about that device.
  4. Users – Displays a list of all registered users on all servers.
  5. Servers - Displays a list of servers that are part of this IBM Traveler server pool. This view is only available if the server is configured for a High Availability environment. See Administering a server pool for more information.
  6. Client Software - Manages IBM Traveler Client Installation packages. See Viewing and managing IBM Traveler client packages for more information.
  7. Approved Applications - Displays a list of all approved applications allowed by IBM Traveler to view attachments on Apple and Android devices. For more information, see Working with attachment security settings.
For more information on what these views contain, see the following topics:
Note: If you are using the web-based administration interface and running the IBM Traveler server in standalone mode, it is recommended that you add a full text index to LotusTraveler.nsf. This will improve the performance of the application.
Note: Web-based administration requires JavaScript support and Cookies to be enabled (and is browser independent).