Restricting access using server document access fields

An administrator can define which users are allowed to connect to the IBM Traveler server, or create explicit denial lists for users that should be denied access to the server. In a Traveler HA environment, repeat the procedure on each server in the pool.


  1. From the Domino® Administrator client, select the IBM Traveler server document.
  2. Click Edit Server.
  3. Click the IBM Traveler tab.
  4. Populate either the Access Server or Not Access Server field with the names of users and groups.
    Table 1. Server access fields



    Access Server

    Select the option Users listed in all trusted directories to allow access to IBM Traveler only to people that have person documents in either the primary directory of this server or any secondary directories that trusted credentials using Domino® directory assistance.

    You can also select individual names of users and groups to allow access to this IBM Traveler server. A blank entry means that all users can access IBM Traveler except any who are listed in the Not Access Server field.

    Not Access Server

    Select the names of users and groups that should be denied access to this IBM Traveler server. A blank entry means that no users are denied access.

    Note: Entering names in the Access Server field automatically denies access to those names not listed.
  5. Click Save & Close.

What to do next

Note: Users defined as Domino® 'Full Access Administrators' have access to IBM Traveler regardless of how the Not Access Server or Access Server fields are configured.
Note: Users denied access to Domino® through the Domino® Not Access Server or Access Server fields under the Security tab of the server document cannot access IBM Traveler.