Joining a Sametime meeting
To join a Sametime meeting, you need a meeting link. The meeting link is sent from the meeting owner.
About this task
Depending on the meeting options, you might need to authenticate with your Sametime Meeting credentials before you are allowed to join a meeting. The meeting owner might has also allowed for guests to join in which case no authentication is needed.
When you join a meeting, you can see the number of participants already in the meeting.
Open the meeting link in a web browser.
Depending on the meeting type, some of the controls to set before entering the meeting are not allowed.
Ensure that your audio and video settings are configure for use within the
MacOS users must perform additional steps to allow screen share. Refer to MacOS additional steps for the details.
Toggle the video and audio settings for the setting when entering the meeting.
You might be prompted by the browser to allow use of the camera and video when turned on.
- If you have turned video on, you can click Change background to select a background.
After configuring your settings, join the meeting. Depending on how the meeting owner
has configured the meeting, one of the following joining options is displayed along with
the number of participants currently in the meeting.
- Click Join meeting.
- Select Login and enter your account credentials.
- Select Join as a guest and enter your display name.
- If the meeting has not been started and you are an authenticated participant, click Start to both start and join the meeting. Guest participants must are placed in a waiting room until admitted by the moderator.
All participates must sign in as a guest or authenticated participant before joining. Guest participants has limited Meetings features.If the meeting is password protected, you also prompted to enter the meeting password. Depending on the access level and how the meeting is configured, you are placed into the waiting room or admitted to the meeting after joining.