sametimeAdvancedServerName |
String |
Required. Fully qualified Apache
Tomcat® Application Server host name, for example:
sales. |
sametimeAdvancedServerPort |
String |
Required. Sametime Advanced Server
port number. |
sametimeCommunityServer |
String |
Required. Default Sametime
Community Server host name. This is the server users log in to for awareness and
chat. |
broadcastToolsServerName |
String |
Required. Fully qualified Apache
Tomcat Application Server host name. |
broadcastToolsServerPort |
String |
Required. Apache Tomcat
Application Server port number. The port number is normally 1883 for HTTP and 8883 for SSL,
but can be any port specified by the administrator. |
useHTTPS |
Boolean |
If you are using SSL while connecting to the
server, set to true. If you are using HTTP set to false. |
advancedServerConnectionType |
String |
Connection type to connect to the Sametime Advanced server. Set to 0 for a direct connection to the server. Set to 1 to
connect through a reverse proxy. |
broadcastServerConnectionType |
String |
Connection type to connect to the Broadcast
Tools server. Set to 1 for a direct connection to the server. Set
to 2 to connect using SSL. |
useHttpProxy |
Boolean |
Set to true if you are
using an HTTP forward proxy; otherwise set it to false. |
proxyHost |
String |
Type the proxy IP address or host name if you
are using a HTTP proxy, otherwise leave it blank. |
proxyPort |
String |
Type the HTTP proxy port to which you are connecting. |
proxyUserName |
String |
Type the user name if the HTTP proxy requires
one for authentication; otherwise leave it blank. |
reverseProxyBaseURL |
String |
Type the reverse proxy base URL to use if connecting
through a reverse proxy. For example: Leave blank otherwise. |
reverseProxyUserName |
String |
Enter the reverse proxy user name if the proxy
is authenticating. Leave blank if you are not using reverse proxies. |
jmsProtocol |
String |
Indicate whether the client connects with a
secure connection using the Security Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or
not. The default is disthub (to connect without
SSL). Enter disthubs to connect with SSL. |
liveNameResolveTimeout |
String (the default is 10000 milliseconds) |
Time allowed in milliseconds for awareness names
to resolve. The default is 10000. |
notifyNewOpenCommunities |
Boolean (the default istrue ) |
Alert users when a new open community is created. |
notifyNewModeratedCommunities |
Boolean (the default istrue ) |
Alert users when a new moderated community is
created. |
notifyNewPrivateCommunities |
Boolean (the default istrue ) |
Alert users when a new private community is
created |
blockBroadcastOnDoNotDisturb |
Boolean (the default istrue ) |
Blocks broadcasts when client is set to "Do
not disturb". |
blockBroadcastOnInMeeting |
Boolean (the default isfalse ) |
Blocks broadcasts when client is set to "In
a meeting". |
notifyChatRoomAddMember |
Boolean (the default istrue ) |
Alerts users when a chat room has a new member. |
blockChatRoomNotifyOnDoNotDisturb |
Boolean (the default istrue ) |
Blocks chat room notifications the client to
"Do not disturb". |
blockChatRoomNotifyOnInMeeting |
Boolean (the default isfalse ) |
Blocks chat room notifications when user is
in a meeting. |
broadcastServerUserIdType |
String (the default isemail ) |
Specifies the LDAP attribute used as the user
ID. |
useTokens |
Boolean (the default istrue ) |
Determines whether the client uses an LTPA token at login. Set this to
false only if there is no way to set up Single Sign-On between the
Sametime Community Server and the Sametime Advanced Server. |
chatRoomLaunchURLRichClient |
Boolean |
Specifies what type of chat room window the users sees. The value
true represents the Sametime client chat room and the value false represents the
web browser chat room. |
onlyActiveChatRooms |
Boolean (default value is false) |
Limits the chat room list to active chat rooms,
suppressing disabled and archived chat rooms from the list. |
showToolTip |
Boolean (default value is true) |
Displays the description associated with a chat
room when the user mouses over the chat room name. |
updateInterval |
String (default value is 600000 milliseconds,
or 10 minutes) |
Specifies the wait (in milliseconds) before
chat room data is refreshed. You can improve server performance by
refreshing less frequently. |