Creating a DNS TXT record to streamline connections to the proxy during client setup

To streamline HCL Nomad users' initial client setup, create a DNS TXT record that directly prompts Nomad users to connect to the SafeLinx server.

About this task

Note: The {"nomad":{"config-wss":true}} and {"nomad":{"config-server":"","config-wss":true}} settings described in this procedure are not currently used by Nomad clients. Support for these settings is planned for an upcoming release and therefore HCL recommends configuring the settings in advance to prepare.


Add the following JSON to a DNS TXT record in the subdomain autoconfig:

When this setting is used, during Nomad setup, users connect directly to the SafeLinx proxy server, after which they are prompted to log in.

When "config-wss":false is used (or the setting is omitted), Nomad users are prompted for information to connect to a Domino server by default, with an option to connect to the proxy server, as follows:
Note: This is the prompt that is always seen in the current Nomad for Android client.

Domino Client Setup screen
Note: If the SafeLinx server has a host name that is difficult for mobile device users to type, for example, a long host name or one with special characters, add the setting "config-server":"<short-hostname>.com" to the JSON. Then, during Nomad setup, users need to enter only <short-hostname>.com to connect to the SafeLinx server. For example: