Configuring clients with configuration files

There are several configuration files that provide the parameters used by the SafeLinx Client program to establish a connection with a SafeLinx Server. After a connection is established, values are saved at logoff to client configuration files. Rewriting the files is desirable because it often shortens the negotiation process on subsequent connection attempts. The PreserveConfigFile parameter overrides this behavior.

The files consist of lines of the form: parameter-name = parameter-value. Parameter names are alphanumeric strings. Parameter values can be textual or numerical. Note that parameters that take Boolean values use 1 for true and 0 for false.

An effort has been made to find sensible default values for most of the available parameters, and it is rarely necessary to manually edit this file. If no value is specified for a parameter, the Mobility Client will either use a default value, attempt to negotiate a value for the parameter at connect time, or prompt the user.

There is one configuration for global parameters called client services and two or more files for each connection icon that is created. The one file, wclientd.conf, that affects client services is located in the installation directory. The installation directory is /usr/libexec/SafeLinxClient/.

There are two or more files for each connection, depending on how many interfaces are defined for the connection. Connection definitions created with the SafeLinx Client are located in the user's home directory in the Library/Application Support/SafeLinx Client/ subdirectory. There are two file types for each connection: the main connection file containing settings that affect all interfaces and also one or more interface definition files.

The naming convention is:
  • conn<connection_number>.conf for the main connection file
  • conn<connection_number>_<interface_number>_device.conf for interface definition files
The connection number is unique among all the connections for the user and the interface number is unique for the particular connection.
For a description of these parameters, see:
Note: When you change the value of any of these parameters, the two services, wclientd and wcstatusd, must be stopped, then started for the change to take effect. Exit the SafeLinx Client program by clicking Quit from the menu accessed by clicking the SafeLinx Client antenna icon located in the menu bar. Start the Activity Monitor application from the Utilities folder under Applications and stop the wclientd process followed by the wcstatusd process. Make your changes to wclientd.conf and then restart the SafeLinx Client from the Applications folder.
Table 1. Parameters that affect client services
Parameter name Description
APITcpListenPort Specifies the TCP port on which the wclientd service listens. The default value is 10555.
EnableAccountId When this Boolean option is set to 1, the User ID input field displays on the Connect pane. By default, this Boolean option is 1.
EnableChangePassword When this Boolean option is set to 1, a change password entry displays in the SafeLinx Client Context menu of the currently connected connection. By default, this Boolean option is 1.
EnableDomain When this Boolean option is set to 1, the Organizational unit input field displays on the Connect pane. By default, this Boolean option is 1.
EnablePassword When this Boolean option is set to 1, the Password input field displays on the Connect pane. By default, this Boolean option is 1.
EnableSavePassword When this Boolean option is set to 1, the Save password check box displays on the Connect panel. By default, this Boolean option is 1.
Group When this string is null, any system group can access the API. If this string matches a system group name, then only users that are members of that group can access the API. The default value is null.
HiddenAdapters Specifies a space-delimited or comma-delimited list of adapters to ignore when querying the system for installed adapters. The default value is lo, sit0, wc0, usbd0, vmnet1, mn0, mn1, mn2, mn3.

To list all interfaces, from the /sbin directory, enter ifconfig -a. Evaluate the list of interfaces to determine if the installed adapter should be ignore and if so, add it to this parameter.

LogFile The name of the file used by the SafeLinx Client for writing log messages. The default value is /var/log/wc.log.
LogFlush If this boolean parameter is set to 1, messages are flushed to the log file as they are written rather than being buffered. This option slows performance and is generally only useful for debugging. The default value is 0.
LogGroup When this string is null, any system group can access the trace settings. If this string matches a system group name, then only users that are members of that group can access the trace settings. The default value is null.
LogLevel This text parameter determines the verbosity of the SafeLinx Client's logging. The higher logging levels can cause a dramatic decrease in performance and are only useful for debugging purposes. Most users should use the default level of error. Multiple values can be specified separated by commas. Allowable values are:
Messages about unexpected events on which you need to take action
Messages about events on which you may or may not need to take action
General information messages
Data used for problem analysis
All statements and messages
Turns all logging off
LogMaxSize Specifies the maximum size, in bytes, of the trace file stored in /var/log/wc.log. The default value is 1,400,000 bytes. The range of values is 0 to 2147483647 inclusive.
LogRootOnly If this Boolean parameter is set to 1, only the root user ID can change the trace log settings. A value of 0 indicates that any user can access the trace settings, depending on the value of the LogGroup parameter. The default value is 0.
LogSubSystems This text parameter is used to suppress messages from some SafeLinx Client subsystems. Generally, the default value of all should be used. Multiple values can be specified separated by commas. Allowable values are:
Messages logged in the main client code
Messages logged in that do not have a specific category
Messages logged in
Messages logged in
Messages logged in
Messages logged by the port subsystem (for example, UDP or TCP)
Messages logged in the process of sending and receiving data from the SafeLinx Server
Messages logged from the timer subsystem
Messages logged by the Link Control Protocol
Messages logged by the application programming interface
Messages logged by the TCP sockets used by the API
Messages logged when IP interfaces change state
Messages logged through the SafeLinx Client API
Turns all logging of
RootOnly If this Boolean parameter is set to 1, only the root user ID can access the API. A value of 0 indicates that any user can access the API, depending on the value of the Group parameter. The default value is 0.
SaveAccountId When this Boolean option is set to 1, the SafeLinx Client saves the value entered for User ID in the connection file. By default, this Boolean option is 1.
StatusLogFile The default location of the log file: /var/log/wcstatus.log.
StatusLogFlush If this Boolean parameter is set to 1, messages for wcstatusd are flushed to the log file as they are written rather than being buffered. This option slows performance and is generally only useful for debugging. The default value is 0.
StatusLogLevel Allowable values are:
All statements and messages
Data used for problem analysis
Turns all logging off.
StatusLogMaxSize Specifies the maximum size of the trace file stored in /var/log/wcstatus.log. The default value for x86 systems is 1400 KB. The range of values is 0 to 2147483647 inclusive.
StatusLogSubSystems Allowable values are:
Logs adapter status changes
Messages logged in the main client code
Messages logged by the port subsystem (for example, UDP or TCP)
The default value is device.
StatusPollInterval The system is periodically queried for network hardware adapter changes. This value controls the query period. The default value is 2 seconds.
StatusServerPort UDP port that the client core uses to contact the status daemon. The default value is 8979.
TraceWhileConnecting Enables the trace facility during a connection attempt. The trace information is saved to the file /var/log/wc.log. Set this parameter to 0 to disable tracing. By default, this parameter is 1.
WirelessLinkQualityCutOff Sets the minimum signal strength that is required for an 802.11b adapter to show up in the list of adapters. The link quality varies between 0 and 92, with higher being better. This value sets a minimum cutoff value for the adapter. If the signal strength is less than this value, then the adapter is removed from the adapter list. To disable the link quality check, set the value to -1. The default value is 0.
Table 2. Parameters that affect each connection
Parameter name Description
AccountId The login account's name to use when establishing the connection. This parameter does not include the account's organizational unit.
AuthMethod Method that the SafeLinx Server uses to validate the SafeLinx Client. Do not change this value from the default value of 1 unless instructed by your administrator. Allowable values are:
The SafeLinx Server does not require any authentication.
The SafeLinx Server requires user ID and password authentication.
The SafeLinx Server requires Diffie-Hellman authentication.
Autostart1...Autostartn One Autostart for each application to be automatically started after a successful login to the SafeLinx Server. The application name includes the complete path, without parameters. The order of which application is started first is determined by its numeric order in the configuration file.
AutostartDisabled If AutostartDisabled is set to 1, then the applications are ignored and no checking is done.
AutostartParams1 ... AutostartParamsn One AutostartParams for each parameter required for the corresponding Autostartn application. Must be present, but blank, if no parameters are required for a given application. The order of which parameters are checked first is determined by the numeric order in the configuration file.
BlackHoleDecrement The value used to decrement padded configure requests when performing black hole detection. The default value is 100 bytes.
BroadcastPgmName Name of the broadcast program to start at completion of logon. This programs receives broadcast messages from the SafeLinx Server. The default value is null.
BroadcastPort The UDP port number on which the SafeLinx Client broadcast program listens for broadcast messages from the SafeLinx Server. The default port is 9999.
CertAuthP12File Stores the last fully qualified PKCS 12 file name when certificate-based authentication is required by the SafeLinx Server. This file name is the default the next time certificate-based authentication is requested.
CertAuthP12PW Password for the PKCS 12 file specified under CertAuthP12File. Otherwise, the user is always prompted for the password.
ConnectionTimeout Specifies the amount of time in seconds from when the SafeLinx Client starts attempting to connect to the SafeLinx Server until a message displays indicating that the connection is still being attempted. The default value is 60. Setting this value to zero (0) disables the timer.
DetectBlackHoles 1= an advertised speed of network connection is 10 Mbps or greater, client will pad configuration requests sent to the gateway to the maximum network MTU size in an effort to detect black holes. If the configuration request times out, then the retry will be decremented using BlackHoleDecrement before being retransmitted. This should be set to 0 in the case where the client is using a high speed adapter, but there is a very slow or inefficient intermediate link between the client and the gateway.

The default value is 1.

DisableRoaming 1= prevents the automatic cross-network roaming from occurring for use of custom applications that are using the Mobility Client Toolkit. The default value is 0.
DNSDomainName The DNS domain name supplied by the SafeLinx Server for the current connection. It is not necessary to supply a value for this parameter, as it is set by the SafeLinx Server at the time the connection is established.
EchoTimeoutThreshold Specifies the number of consecutive echo timeouts processed before the SafeLinx Client displays an error to indicate that the SafeLinx Server is not responding. The default value is 3.
Encryption This parameter determines the type of encryption that the SafeLinx Client attempts to negotiate with the SafeLinx Server. The value should be one of the SafeLinx Server encryption minor type numbers. The available type numbers are:
AES 256-bit CBC (cipher block chaining) mode
AES 192-bit CBC mode
AES 128-bit CBC mode
No encryption
The default value is 14.
GatewaySuppliesDNS When this Boolean option is set to 1, DNS information negotiated with the SafeLinx Server is set in the system environment at connect time. The DNS information typically includes primary and secondary DNS servers and the local domain name. This results in the /etc/resolv.conf file being backed up and edited. When the SafeLinx Client is not shut down cleanly, /etc/resolv.conf may not be restored properly. If this happens, the original DNS configuration can be restored by entering the /etc directory and renaming resolv.conf.ibmwc<pid> backup to resolv.conf. The default value is 1.
GWMNIAddress The SafeLinx Server's address on the private network. This parameter is negotiated with the SafeLinx Server at connect time.
HiSpeedWLPRetryCount SafeLinx Client retry value for connections 10Mbps or faster. This parameter is used only when UseSpeedForWLPSettings=1 and UDP is the protocol used to connect to the SafeLinx Server. The default value is 4.
HiSpeedWLPTimeout SafeLinx Client timeout value used for connections 10 Mbps or faster. This parameter is used only when UseSpeedForWLPSettings=1 and UDP is the protocol used to connect to the SafeLinx Server. The default value is 4.
InterfaceList A list of interfaces that are associated with a connection.
IPStackMTU The maximum transmission unit for the IP stack interface. The default value is 1400 bytes.

When RequestTransportProfile=1, this entry is ignored.

LowSpeedWLPRetryCount SafeLinx Client retry value used for connections 57600 bps or slower. This parameter is used only when UseSpeedForWLPSettings=1 and UDP is the protocol used to connect to the SafeLinx Server.
LowSpeedWLPTimeout SafeLinx Client timeout value used for connection 57600 bps or slower. This parameter is used only when UseSpeedForWLPSettings=1 and UDP is the protocol used to connect to the SafeLinx Server.
MedSpeedWLPRetryCount SafeLinx Client retry value used for connections greater than 57600 and slower than 10Mbps. This parameter is used only when UseSpeedForWLPSettings=1 and UDP is the protocol used to connect to the SafeLinx Server.
MedSpeedWLPTimeout SafeLinx Client timeout value used for connections greater than 57600 bps and slower than 10 Mbps. This parameter is used only when UseSpeedForWLPSettings=1 and UDP is the protocol used to connect to the SafeLinx Server.
MobileAddress The address assigned to the client interface by the SafeLinx Server. It is negotiated at login time and should not need to be manually configured.
Mod Modification level number of the configuration file.
OneButtonConnect When this Boolean option is set to 1, the Connect panel is bypassed and instead the connection progress indicator is displayed only if accountID ( UserID), Domain (Organizational unit), and Password were previously saved in the configuration file.
OrgUnit The LDAP organizational unit corresponding to the SafeLinx Server user ID specified by the AccountId parameter.
Password The password for the current account. It is best to leave this blank and let the SafeLinx Client prompt for it, if needed. If the SavePassword parameter is set to 1, the SafeLinx Client uses an exclusive OR (XOR) algorithm to alter the password and save it to the configuration file. For security reasons, this method is preferable to entering in plain text form. If the password is entered in plain text in the configuration file and the PreserveConfigFile is set to 0, the SafeLinx Client saves the password using the XOR algorithm form on exit.
PasswordPort The SafeLinx Server port that the Mobility Client connects to for password changes. The default value is 8888.
PreferredInterface The default interface to start for this connection.
PrereqAppName1 ... PrereqApplicationName16 Where PrereqAppName1 is the name of the first process that must be running before the SafeLinx Client attempts to connect, and PrereqAppProcessn is the last process that must be running before the Mobility Client attempts to connect. The application name includes the complete path. The order of which application is checked first is determined by the numeric order in the configuration file.
PrereqAppProcess1 ... PrereqAppProcess16 One PrereqAppProcess for the process name of each application to check before logon. When a process is running, these values are found by typing ps -e from a shell prompt. The order of which process is checked first is determined by the numeric order in the configuration file.
PrerequisiteDisabled If PrerequisiteDisabled is set to 1, then the applications are ignored and no checking is done.
PrimaryDNS The primary DNS server as supplied by the SafeLinx Server at connect time.
RadiusRetryAttempts This parameter indicates how many times the client retries RADIUS authentication attempts after timeout failures. Default value is 2.
RadiusTimeout This parameter indicates the time in seconds that the client waits for a response from a radius authentication request. Default value is 15.
Release Release number of the configuration file.
RequestTransportProfile 1= The SafeLinx Client sends the name and the speed of the adapter when it logs in and roams from one network to another. 0= The transport profile is not requested. The default value is 1.
Routes The set of routes to be configured which were sent to the SafeLinx Client from the SafeLinx Server the last time a connection was established.
SavePassword When this Boolean option is set to 1, the SafeLinx Client stores the password using an XOR algorithm. The default value is 1.
SecondaryDNS The secondary DNS server as supplied by the SafeLinx Server at connect time.
SetDefaultRoute When this Boolean option is set to 1, the SafeLinx Client sets the default route for IP traffic to flow through the SafeLinx Client with the exception of any individual routes that are previously set in the routing table. The default value is 0.
SubnetMask The subnet mask to use for the SafeLinx Client network interface. This parameter is supplied by the SafeLinx Server at connect time.
UseSpeedForWLPSettings Sets the speed to use to determine SafeLinx Client retry count and timeout. If this value is set to 0 or if UDP is not the protocol used to connect to the SafeLinx Server, ALPRetries and ALPTimeout are used.

If this value is set to 1 and UDP is the protocol used to connect to the SafeLinx Server, the value used depends on the network speed detected. One of the following sets of parameters is used for the retry count and timeout:

network detected speed is < 57600 bps


network detected speed is >= 57600 bps and <= *10,000,000 bps


network detected speed is >= 10,000,000 bps


Version Version number of the configuration file.
Table 3. Parameters that affect only IP-LAN interfaces
Parameter name Description
AdapterNameOverrideString Allows for the adapter name string sent to the SafeLinx Server for transport profile selection to be overridden. The default value is null, and the parameter is not used.
AdapterSpeedOverride Allows for the connection speed sent to the SafeLinx Server for transport profile selection to be overridden. The default value is null, and the parameter is not used.
ALPRetries The number of times to reattempt a failed logon negotiation with the SafeLinx Server. The default value is 3. Used if UseSpeedForWLPSettings is set to 0 or when the UDP protocol is not used to connect to the SafeLinx Server.
ALPTimeout The number of seconds to wait for a logon attempt to complete before timing out and closing the connection. The default value is 10. Used if UseSpeedForWLPSettings is set to 0 or when the UDP protocol is not used to connect to the SafeLinx Server.
AlternateGatewayAddress The list of alternate gateway addresses used by the SafeLinx Client when roaming. The list is saved in the following format: AlternateGatewayAddress=,

Each alternate gateway entry consists of three values. The first is the local IP address. The second is the mask. The third is the alternate IP address for the SafeLinx Server. The three values for an alternate gateway entry are separated by a space. Each alternate gateway definition is separated by a comma.

BindPort Specifies the port number on which the Mobility Client listens for data sent from the SafeLinx Server. This parameter is used only for UDP connections.
Compression When this Boolean parameter is set to 1, the SafeLinx Client attempts to negotiate a compressed connection with the SafeLinx Server. The only form of compression that is currently supported is BSD LZW compression as provided by the zlib library. This parameter is useful for low-bandwidth connections, but is not recommended in cases where the transmission speed is largely CPU bound (for example, an encrypted broadband connection). The default value is 0.

When RequestTransportProfile=1, this entry is ignored.

DeviceLib A library containing functionality and options specific to the type of network device used to make the connection. Device libraries are installed in the /usr/libexec/SafeLinxClient/lib/devices/ directory.
EnablePktJoining When this Boolean option is set to 1, the SafeLinx Client attempts to combine small packets in order to deliver larger packets to the SafeLinx Server. The maximum size for joined packets is determined by the NetworkMTU option. This option is only recommended for low-bandwidth connections. The default value is 0.

When RequestTransportProfile=1, this entry is ignored.

EncryptedProxyPassword When a connection is established using a proxy server, the SafeLinx Client must supply credentials for the proxy server to authenticate. This field is the password.
FilterOtherSourceAddresses If this Boolean option is set to 1, then outbound packets whose source address does not match the address of the SafeLinx Client as assigned by the SafeLinx Server are discarded. The default value is 0.

When RequestTransportProfile=1, this entry is ignored.

GatewayAddress The physical IP address of the SafeLinx Server.
GatewayAddressDec The IP address of the SafeLinx Server in dotted-decimal format. This entry is for internal use and any value entered is ignored.
HeaderReduction When this Boolean parameter is set to 1, the SafeLinx Client attempts to negotiate IP header reduction with the SafeLinx Server. IP header reduction can reduce the amount of traffic sent over the network interface, but is generally useful only for low-bandwidth connections. The default value is 0.

When RequestTransportProfile=1, this entry is ignored.

HttpProxyAddr Specifies either the IP address or the host name of the proxy server. This parameter is used only if you have enabled proxy authentication on the SafeLinx Server.
HttpProxyPort Specifies the port number used to communicate with the proxy server. This parameter is used only if you have enabled proxy authentication on the SafeLinx Server.
HttpSendPort Specifies the port number used to send data to the SafeLinx Server for an HTTP connection. The default value is 80.
HttpsSendPort Specifies the port number used to send data to the SafeLinx Server for a secure HTTP connection. The default value is 443.
HttpsSSLKeyRingFile This option is used only when HTTPS is a supported protocol. It specifies the file used to store the certificates used when the client connects to the SafeLinx Server using HTTPS, if the user chooses to store the certificates. The default value is user's_home_directory/.wclient/wc.kdb.
HttpsSSLTimeout This option is used only when HTTPS is a supported protocol. It sets the time in seconds to wait for the secure socket layer (SSL) packets when connecting to the SafeLinx Server.
InRangeConnFailedRetryTimeout Specifies the time in seconds for the Mobility Client to wait while roaming and unable to connect to a network that is in range. The default is 120.
KeepAliveInterval The time in seconds to wait before sending a keepalive packet to the SafeLinx Server. If this parameter is set to a nonzero value, the SafeLinx Client sends an LCP echo packet to the SafeLinx Server at this interval. This parameter is useful for preventing the SafeLinx Server from dropping a connection due to excessive idle time. The amount of idle time before a client connection is dropped differs between SafeLinx Servers, but 600 to 1200 seconds is a reasonable setting in most cases. The default value is 10.

When RequestTransportProfile=1, this entry is ignored.

Mod Modification level number of the configuration file.
NetworkAverageBPS Connection throughput in bits per second. If greater than 33600, header reduction and other TCP optimizations are disabled. The default value is 10000000.
NetworkMTU The maximum transmission unit specified in bytes for the network used to connect to the SafeLinx Server. The valid range is 128-4092. The default value is 1500.

When RequestTransportProfile=1, this entry is ignored.

PktCompressThreshold When compression is enabled and this parameter is nonzero, the SafeLinx Client uses this value to determine the size of the smallest packet (in bytes) that it should attempt to compress. Very small packets often cannot be compressed. This parameter can be used to prevent wasting valuable CPU cycles attempting it. The default value is 50.
PktTimeout The time specified in seconds used by the link layer to terminate a connection if the SafeLinx Server does not respond to a request sent by the SafeLinx Client. The default value is 20.

When RequestTransportProfile=1, this entry is ignored.

PreferredAdapter Specifies the network adapter that is used for roaming, if it is available. There is no default value.
ProxyUsername When a connection is established using a proxy server the SafeLinx Client must supply credentials for the proxy server to authenticate. This field is the user name.
Release Release number of the configuration file.
RoamFromThreshold Specifies the number of seconds that the SafeLinx Client connection to a network has been in Active status and acts as a threshold value for determining which Wait interval to use when roaming from this connection to a lesser-priority network, if the status changes to Out of range or Unavailable.

This setting helps determine if you are moving into or out of the coverage area of a network. If you are moving into coverage area, you may want to delay roaming from the network quickly because there could be a period of time when the status flips back and forth between active and inactive. This delay gives the network a chance to stabilize and establish the actual status. However, if you are moving out of a coverage area, as indicated that the network status has been active for a given period of time and then becomes inactive, then you may want to roam from that network more quickly.

The default value is 0.

RoamFromWaitOverThreshold Specifies the number of seconds that the SafeLinx Client waits before roaming from this connection to another available lesser-priority network. When the network status has been Active for less than the amount of time specified in the RoamFromThreshold setting, then the connection may be in the periphery of a network coverage area and may need additional time to establish its actual status. This setting determines the number of seconds the SafeLinx Client waits until it will roam from this network to another lesser-priority network.

The value of this setting should be more than the value of the RoamFromWaitUnderThreshold setting.

The default value is 0.

RoamFromWaitUnderThreshold Specifies the number of seconds that the SafeLinx Client waits before roaming from this connection to another available lesser-priority network. When the network status has been Active for more than the amount of time specified in the RoamFromThreshold setting and then becomes Unavailable, this setting determines the number of seconds the Mobility Client waits until it will roam from this network to another lesser-priority network.

The value of this setting should be less than the value of the RoamFromWaitOverThreshold setting.

The default value is 0.

RoamToWait Specifies the number of seconds that the SafeLinx Client waits after the network is available before the SafeLinx Client will roam to it and make it the Active connection. If the connection is being established on the periphery of a network coverage area, this setting allows a period of time for the SafeLinx Client to make sure that the connection status does not go Out of Range or Unavailable before it attempts to roam to it. The default value is 0.
SaveProxyPassword When a connection is established using a proxy server the SafeLinx Client must supply credentials for the proxy server to authenticate. When this Boolean option is set to 1, the SafeLinx Client stores the password.
SendPort The port used to send data to the SafeLinx Server. This parameter is used only for UDP connections. The default value is 8889.
SocketConnectionTimeout Specifies the timeout used when establishing a UDP, HTTP, or HTTPS connection with the SafeLinx Server. This is the number of seconds to wait before the SafeLinx Client attempts to connect using another protocol.
SupportedProtocols Specifies the protocols that can be supported on the SafeLinx Client. The value for this parameter can be one or more of the following, in a comma-separated list:
Use UDP as a protocol to connect to the SafeLinx Server.
Use HTTP as a protocol to connect to the SafeLinx Server.
Use HTTPS as a protocol to connect to the SafeLinx Server.
TCPIP_Ports2Filter This entry can exist for a connection or for an interface. The interface section is checked first, and if no entry is found, then the connection section is used.

List of TCP ports, separated by spaces, from which to filter packets.

When RequestTransportProfile=1, this entry is ignored.

TcpOptEnable When this Boolean option is set to 1, TCP optimization is enabled. The default value is 0.

When RequestTransportProfile=1, this entry is ignored.

TcpOptMaxBurst Maximum number of unacknowledged TCP packets transmitted. The optimization engine withholds packets to keep from overloading a directional channel of a wireless network. The range of values is 5–16, inclusive. The default value is 8.

When RequestTransportProfile=1, this entry is ignored.

TcpOptMaxWindowSize Maximum size of the TCP sliding window in bytes. The optimization engine adjusts the TCP window on-the-fly as a means of performing network latency-specific flow control. The range of values is 2048–65535, inclusive. A value of zero disables this function. The default value is 0.

When RequestTransportProfile=1, this entry is ignored.

TcpOptRetransmitTTL Length of time in milliseconds to suppress TCP retransmit packets. A value of 0 disables TCP retransmit suppression. The default value is 1000.

When RequestTransportProfile=1, this entry is ignored.

TrayUpdateInterval Minimum time in seconds that the client will wait between sending eMsg_PacketReceived events or eMsg_PacketTransmitted events. A value less than or equal to 0 disables sending these events. The default value is 2.
UDPIP_Ports2Filter This entry can exist for a connection or for an interface. The interface section is checked first, and if no entry is found, then the connection section is used.

List of UDP ports, separated by spaces, from which to filter packets.

When RequestTransportProfile=1, this entry is ignored.

UseBindPort Specifies whether the SafeLinx Client listens on a specific port number for data sent from the SafeLinx Server. This parameter is used only for UDP connections.
UseHttpProxy This parameter is used to enable or disable the use of a proxy for the SafeLinx Client to connect to the SafeLinx Server for connection-oriented (HTTP or HTTPS) connections. The default value of 0 disables proxy authentication. If you enter 1 to enable proxy authentication, you must also provide the proxy server address and port number. Use the HttpProxyAddr parameter to specify the address and HttpProxyPort for the port number, as provided by the system administrator.
UseUDPEcho This Boolean parameter determines whether the UDP echo function for the SafeLinx Client and SafeLinx Server is used during the login sequence when connecting over UDP. If UseUDPEcho=1, the UDP echo function uses a test packet to check whether the SafeLinx Client can reach the gateway and what the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) should be. If UseUDPEcho=0, then the UDP echo function is not used. This parameter is updated after each login, based on whether the SafeLinx Server to which the SafeLinx Client is connected supports the function.

For migrated connections, the default value is 0. For new connections, the default value is 0 if only the UDP protocol is enabled or 1 if HTTP, HTTPS, or both are selected in addition to the UDP protocol.

Version Version number of the configuration file.