Functional test assets
This section describes the different types of functional test assets that are available in HCL OneTest™ UI.
A typical HCL OneTest™ UI test script object includes these files:
- Script file ( for HCL OneTest™ UI, Eclipse Integration, or scriptname.vb for HCL OneTest™ UI, Microsoft Visual Studio .NET Integration)
This file is created through recording.
- Script helper file ( scriptname for HCL OneTest UI, Java Scripting, or scriptname ScriptHelper.vb for HCL OneTest UI, VB.NET Scripting)
Each script has a script helper file that is generated after recording.
- Shared test object map file ( kadov_tag{{<ignored>}}filename.rftmap kadov_tag{{</ignored>}}) or private test object map file (scriptname.rftxmap )
Each script has a map file. The map file can be associated with only one script (*. rftxmap ) or shared among many scripts (*. rftmap ). To prevent users from accidentally selecting a private map name as a shared map, the suffixes are different.
- Verification Point file ( verificationpointname .rftvp )
Each script may also contain one or more verification point files. Verification point files are not shared among scripts.
- Script Definition file (scriptname.rftdef )
Each script contains a script definition file. The script definition file contains the name of the map file, script name, the names of all of the recognized objects, and other file linkage information.
- Public Test dataset ( filename.rftdp ) or Private Test dataset ( scriptname.rftxdp )
You can associate a public or private test dataset with a test script. You can associate a public test dataset with one or several test scripts.