Proxy development environment
HCL OneTest™ UI proxies can be developed either in Java™ or C# programming languages based on the UI framework of the application under test (AUT).
You must use Java for developing proxies for the following UI frameworks under Java and HTML domains:
- Swing
- Applet
You must use C# for developing proxies for UI frameworks under the following domains:
- .Net
- Win32
Software requirements
You must have the following software in you computer to develop proxies using the proxy SDK- HCL OneTest™ UI 9.1 or later.
- Eclipse 3.2 or later, or any other JDK for developing proxies in Java
- Microsoft® Visual Studio.Net for developing proxies in C#. For developing ProxyObjects, you must use one of the following integrated development environments:
Note: ProxyObject is exposed to the scripting side of HCL OneTest™
UI as either
.Net or Java TestObject, depending on the test scripting choice.