This topic describes all the buttons and controls on the HCL OneTest™ UI toolbar.
The product toolbar has the following buttons and controls:
New Project -- Displays the appropriate dialog box that enables
you to create a new project or solution. Click
to select New Project or New Blank Solution. See Visual Studio .NET
online help for more information.
Add New Item -- Displays the Add New Item dialog box, which enables you
to add an item to the currently selected project. Click
to display the list of items to create. See Visual Studio .NET online help for more
Open File -- Displays the Open File dialog box, which enables you to open
an existing file from disk. You can also use this dialog box to open an already opened file
using different language encoding options. See Visual Studio .NET online help for more
script -- Saves any changes you made to the script
currently displayed in the Code Editor.
Save All -- Saves all the scripts and files currently open.
Cut -- Deletes the highlighted characters and puts them on the
Copy -- Copies the highlighted characters to the Clipboard.
Paste -- Inserts at the cursor any characters that were previously cut or
copied to the Clipboard.
Undo -- Cancels the last edits you made, if possible. Some edits cannot
be undone. Click
to display the list of
actions to undo.
Redo -- Re-executes the last action that was undone by the Undo
button or the user. Click
to display the
list of actions to redo.
Navigate Backward -- Enables you to navigate through the open
windows in the environment as well as the selection and cursor history within files. Click
to list open windows. See Visual Studio .NET online help for more information.
Navigate Forward -- Enables you to navigate through the open
windows in the environment as well as the selection and cursor history within files. Click
to list open windows. See Visual Studio .NET online help for more information.
Start -- Runs the build process, loads the debugger, and opens
the browser to view the content. Launches the current script and displays the Debug perspective,
which provides information as the script debugs. For information, see Debugging Scripts.
Solution Configurations -- Displays the available solution build
configurations. You can also access the Configuration Manager from this drop-down list. See
Visual Studio .NET online help for more information.
Find in Files -- Displays the Find in Files dialog box, which
enables you to search within various files and review search results in report format. See
Visual Studio .NET online help for more information.
Find -- Displays up to the last 16 search items entered.
Solution Explorer -- Displays the Solution Explorer, which
provides with an organized view of your projects and their files as well as access to the
commands that pertain to them. See Visual Studio .NET online help for more information. See
Visual Studio .NET online help for more information.
Properties Window -- Displays the Properties window, which you
can use to view and change the design-time properties and events of selected objects that are
located in editors and designers. You can also use the Properties window to edit and view file,
project, and solution properties. See Visual Studio .NET online help for more information.
Object Browser -- Displays the Object Browser, which enables you
to browse, filter, and search for components that you might want to use in your projects. See
Visual Studio .NET online help for more information.
Toolbox -- Displays a variety of items (such as .NET components,
COM components, HTML objects, code fragments, and text) for use in Visual Studio projects. The
tabs and items available from the Toolbox change, depending on the designer or editor currently
in use. See Visual Studio .NET online help for more information.
Class View -- Displays the Class View, which provides a
programmatic view of symbols in your code, for example, namespaces, classes, methods, and
functions. Click
to list other IDE
components to display. Use the See Visual Studio .NET online help for more information.
Toolbar Options -- Enables you to display/hide toolbars on the
IDE. See Visual Studio .NET online help for more information.
Create a Functional Test project -- Displays the New Project dialog box,
which enables you to create a new Functional Test
New Folder -- Creates a
new folder in the Solution Explorer.
Create an Empty Functional Test Script -- Displays the Add New
Item dialog box, which enables you to create an empty script you can use to add code.
Create a Test dataset -- Displays the Add New Item dialog box, which
enables you to Creating a dataset.
Create a Test Object Map -- Displays the Add New Item dialog
box, which enables you to add a new test object map
to a project.
Toolbar Options -- Enables you to display/hide toolbars on the
IDE. See Visual Studio .NET online help for more information.
Record a Functional Test Script -- Displays the Add New Item dialog box,
which enables you to enter information about the new script and start recording.
Insert Recording into Active Functional Test Script --
Starts recording at the cursor location in
the current script, which enables you to start applications, insert verification points, and add
script support functions.
Toolbar Options -- Enables you to display/hide toolbars on the
IDE. See Visual Studio .NET online help for more information.
Run Functional Test Script -- Plays back the Functional Test
script currently displayed in the Code Editor. For information see Running Scripts from HCL OneTest™
Debug Functional Test Script -- Launches the current script and displays
the Debug perspective, which provides information as the script debugs. For information, see
Debugging Scripts.
Toolbar Options -- Enables you to display/hide toolbars on the
IDE. See Visual Studio .NET online help for more information.
Configure Applications for Testing -- Displays the Application Configuration Tool, which enables you to add and edit
configuration information -- such as name, path, and other information that Functional Test uses
to start and run the application -- for the Java™ and HTML applications
you want to test.
Enable Environments for Testing -- Displays the Enable Java™
Environments (JRE)/Web Browsers/Eclipse Platforms for Testing dialog box, which you use to enable Java environments,
configure applications, and browsers to configure
your JREs and browsers.
Open Test Object Inspector -- Displays the Test Object Inspector tool,
which enables you to display test object information, such as parent hierarchy, inheritance
hierarchy, test object properties, nonvalue properties, and method information.
Synchronize Solution with Editor -- Scrolls in the tree
hierarchy to the name of the script currently displayed in the Code Editor.
Toolbar Options -- Enables you to display/hide toolbars on the
IDE. See Visual Studio .NET online help for more information.
Insert Test Object into Active Functional Test Script -- Displays the
Select an Object dialog box, which enables you to select test objects to add to the test object
map and a script.
Insert Verification Point into Active Functional Test Script -- Displays
the Select an Object page of the Verification Point and Action wizard, which enables you to
select an object in your application you want to perform a test on. For information, see
Inserting a Verification Point from the Script Explorer.
Insert Data Driven Commands into Active Functional Test Script --
Displays the Data Drive Actions page of the dataset Population Wizard, which enables you to
select the objects in an application-under-test to data-drive an application.
Find Literals and Replace with dataset Reference -- Replaces literal
values with a dataset reference in a test script, which enables you to add realistic data to an
existing test script.
Toolbar Options -- Enables you to display/hide toolbars on the
IDE. See Visual Studio .NET online help for more information.
Display an object Member List based on the current Language --
Displays a list of valid member variables or functions for the appropriate class, struct, union
or namespace, Selecting from the list inserts the member into your code. See Visual Studio .NET
online help for more information.
Display Parameter Info based on the current language -- Displays
a list of information about the number, names, and types of parameters required by a function,
template, or attribute. See Visual Studio .NET online help for more information.
Display Quick Info based on the current language -- Displays the
complete declaration for any identifier in your code when the mouse cursor hovers over an
identifier. See Visual Studio .NET online help for more information.
Display Word Completion based on the current language -- Once
you enter enough characters to uniquely identify an object or keyword, provides the rest of the
word. See Visual Studio .NET online help for more information.
Decrease Indent -- Removes one level of indent for one or more
Increase Indent -- Indents the selected paragraph by one indent
Comment out the selected lines -- adds a single quote marker or
the keyword REM to the selected line to indicate that the line is a comment and should not be
Uncomment the selected lines -- Removes the single quote marker
or the keyword REM from the selected line.
Toggle an unnamed bookmark on the current line -- Adds a
temporary bookmark to the selected line. See Visual Studio .NET online help for more
Move the caret to the next unnamed bookmark -- Returns to the
next temporary bookmark. See Visual Studio .NET online help for more information.
Move the caret to the previous unnamed bookmark -- Returns to the
previous temporary bookmark. See Visual Studio .NET online help for more information.
Clear all unnamed bookmarks in the current document -- Removes
temporary bookmarks in a document. See Visual Studio .NET online help for more information.
Toolbar Options -- Enables you to display/hide toolbars on the
IDE. See Visual Studio .NET online help for more information.