Setting up intercepts
When you want to run virtual services on HCL OneTest™ Server, you can set up intercepts to route requests to the virtual service. You must configure the intercepts with the HCL OneTest™ Server URL, team space ID, and offline user token that is generated from HCL OneTest™ Server so that the intercepts can register with HCL OneTest™ Server.
Examples of intercepts include the HTTP proxy component of HCL® Quality Server and the HCL OneTest™ API Java virtualization agent available from the HCL® Quality Server tools page.
Before you begin
- Installed the intercept from HCL® Quality Server of the same version as that of HCL OneTest™ Server. For example, installed the HTTP proxy.
- Read the following procedures:
- Generating offline user tokens. See Managing access to HCL OneTest Server.
- Viewing the Team Space ID as the URL alias of the team space. See Viewing the configuration of a team space.
About this task
You must edit the registration.xml file for the intercept to allow it to register with HCL OneTest™ Server.
Perform the following steps in HCL OneTest™ Server:
Perform the following steps to edit the registration.xml
file for the intercept. For most intercepts this is in the root directory of the
extracted intercept compressed file. For the HTTP/TCT proxy it is in the
<QS_install_directory>\httptcp directory on the computer
on which you have installed HCL®
Quality Server.
Perform the following steps in HCL OneTest™ Server to view the HTTP
proxies that are registered in the team space:
What to do next
- Read for the prerequisite tasks that you must perform before you can run the HTTP virtual services. See Prerequisites for running HTTP virtual services in a Kubernetes cluster.
- Run the virtual service resource. See Configuring a run of a virtual service.
- View the routing rules for the intercept. See Viewing routing rules of the virtual services.
- View the routing rules for the intercept in a running instance of the virtual service. See Viewing configurations of running instances of virtual services.