Test results and reports
HCL OneTest™ Server is a single location for hosting the results and reports of all tests run on different desktop clients and for tests run from the server.
Test results list
When a test run is complete, you can see the results on the Results page that you open from in the navigation pane.
The list of test results is organized by types, you can display the suites only in the Suites tab, or the tests only in the Tests tab, or the tests and suites that are run with advanced settings in the Advanced tab.
When you expand the results, the results details and reports cards are displayed.
Results, reports, and logs are generated for tests run from HCL OneTest™ Server, or from desktop clients such as HCL OneTest™ Performance, HCL OneTest™ UI, or HCL OneTest™ API.
You must have configured the desktop clients to publish reports of tests that are run from the desktop client to the HCL OneTest™ Server. For more information about the publishing procedure, refer to the links at the end of this page.
Test result details
By using the default settings, you can view the following details about the test assets used in the test run in the Details card:
- The status of the test results, the date and time it was executed and completed.
- The details about the Git repository that contains the test assets.
- The execution location that uses the test asset for a test run. Note: The execution location can be the default cluster or the location that you indicate to override a docker host or the agent location when you execute a test. For more information about test configuration, see the link at the end of this page.
- The Resource Monitoring labels (override) used in a performance schedule to control Resource Monitoring sources. For more information about controlling Resource Monitoring sources, see the link at the end of this page.
- The components column displays the components of the system model that are associated with the test execution. You can click the components to view each of them.
You can configure the information displayed in the Details card and the Results columns from the View Settings
window. You access this window by clicking the Settings icon .
Depending on the attribute you cleared in the View Settings window, the Details card displays additional information about the test results.
The selected attributes are displayed in columns of the Result view.

The Reports card contains the links to the test reports and the logs that are displayed in a web browser.
As a default configuration, test logs are delivered in a traditional format for the executed compound tests and schedules. You can still set the -history jaeger Program Argument to produce Jaeger traces when you run the tests.
The reports are generated for Compound Tests, Schedules, and Test Suites, or for other tests (Postman or JMeter tests for example). They can be run from a desktop client or from HCL OneTest™ Server.
You can run Web UI tests and SAP tests from HCL OneTest™ UI and publish them to the server from version 10.1.3. You can also run and publish these tests from HCL OneTest™ Server.
The following table lists the reports that are generated for each type of test and the links to help pages.