- Schema designing error or warning messages
The HCL® OneTest™ Data analyzer validates the logical and structural consistency of the data definition of a schema. In case of any inconsistency in the schema structure, the analyzer issues error or warning messages based on the type of the analysis.
- Compile-time error messages
When you generate the test data of a schema, you might encounter compile-time error messages. The schemas with compilation errors fail to generate the test data. You can view the error messages on the schema designer.
- Configuring log files
When you run into issues to trace the log files or the log files end abruptly without the complete information about the action, you must configure settings for the log file in the configMap
- Audit log overview
When execution of a map to generate the test data fails, HCL® OneTest™ Data creates an audit log. The audit log records the detailed information about the execution of the failed job.
- Commands used in HCL OneTest Data
When you want to view the list of HCL® OneTest™ Data pods and to manage each of these pods, you can run the kubectl or oc commands on an SSH console.
- Troubleshooting installation issues
You might encounter issues when you access HCL® OneTest™ Data after you install HCL OneTest™ Server for the first time. You can find details about the issues, their causes, and resolutions to fix those issues.