Copying third-party application Jars to Kubernetes
You can run API Suites in a project on Rational® Test Automation Server. If the API Suite uses a transport and the transport requires third-party application Jar files for a successful run, you must ensure that the third-party application Jar files are available at the test run time. To achieve this, you must copy the third-party application Jar files to the computer where Rational® Test Automation Server is installed on Kubernetes.
Before you begin
If you want to copy the third-party application Jar files to the remote Docker host, see Copying third-party application Jars to a remote Docker host.
You must have server administrator or cluster administrator privileges.
- Identified the third-party application Jar files that are required and copied the files. See Test run considerations for API Suites.
- Copied the third-party application Jar files from Rational® Integration Tester to the directory or folder in Kubernetes from where you can run the kubectl commands.
About this task
You can copy the third-party application Jar files to the folder that is specific for the application under the /data/<application_name> folder. You need not extract the files.
- The API Suite uses transports and the transports require third-party application Jar files to be available at the test run time.
- The API Suite in the project has a results database configured.
You can copy the JDK version Jar files that you have used to create the JUnit tests.
You can get help on the kubectl commands by running the command: kubectl cp --help from the /kube directory. For more information, refer to the kubectl documentation.
Use the following table to find the name of the folder that corresponds to the
specific third-party application for the transport used in the API Suite.
Table 1. Name of the folder for the application Application Name of the folder to use Camel Camel CentraSite CentraSite CICS CICS Coherence Coherence Database JDBC IMS IMS Integra Integra JMS JMS SAP RFC SAP Software AG Universal Messaging SoftwareAGUM TIBCO EMS TIBCO TIBCO Rendezvous TIBCO SmartSockets WebSphere Application Server Service Integration Bus (SiBus) WAS WebLogic WebLogicJMX Software AG webMethods webMethods WebSphere MQ WMQ -
Open the command prompt from the /kube directory and copy
the Jar files to the folder that corresponds to the
application by using the following command:
kubectl cp <compressed_files> test-system/
-userlibs-0:/data/<application_name>/For example, if you are copying the Database Jar files, then the name of the folder is JDBC and the command to use is:
kubectl cp mysql-connector-java.jar test-system/
-userlibs-0:/data/JDBC/Note: You must substitute{my-ots}
with the release name that you provided for the server. -
Verify whether the Jar files are copied by running the
following command:
kubectl exec
-userlibs-0 -n test-system -- ls /data/<folder_created>For example, if you copied the Database Jar files, mysql-connector-java.jar to the folder JDBC, then the command to verify is:
kubectl exec
-userlibs-0 -n test-system -- ls /data/JDBCThe following information is displayed for the JDBC folder:mysql-connector-java.jar
Note: You must substitute{my-ots}
with the release name that you provided for the server.
You have successfully copied the third-party application Jar files to the folder in Kubernetes.
What to do next
You can configure the API Suite run. See Configuring a run for an API Suite.