Run counters

These counters provide information about the active users in the run, the users that have completed the run, and the HTTP status codes that were received.

Some counters pertain to intervals in the run. You set the Statistics sample interval value in the schedule as a schedule property.

Counter name Description
Displaying Results for computer The name of the host.
Run Status The run status or errors.
Run> Active Users
Counter name Description
Count [for Run] The number of users that are currently active.
Run> Collection Time
Counter Name Description
Count [for Interval] The length of time it took to collect all the statistics to send for the most recent sample interval. Typically a brief period. This value has limited use in a custom report.
Run> Completed Users
Counter name Description
Count [for Run] The number of users that have completed the run.
Run> HTTP Status Codes> 100 Codes
Counter Name Description
Count [for Interval] The number of HTTP status codes between 100 and 199 that were received during the most recent sample interval.
Count [for Run] The number of HTTP status codes between 100 and 199 that were received in the entire run.
Run> HTTP Status Codes> 200 Codes
Counter name Description
Count [for Interval] The number of HTTP status codes between 200 and 299 that were received during the most recent sample interval.
Count [for Run] The number of HTTP status codes between 200 and 299 that were received in the entire run.
Run> HTTP Status Codes> 300 Codes
Counter name Description
Count [for Interval] The number of HTTP status codes between 300 and 399 that were received during the most recent sample interval.
Count [for Run] The number of HTTP status codes between 300 and 399 that were received in the entire run.
Run> HTTP Status Codes> 400 Codes
Counter name Description
Count [for Interval] The number of HTTP status codes between 400 and 499 that were received during the most recent sample interval.
Count [for Run] The number of HTTP status codes between 400 and 499 that were received in the entire run.
Run> HTTP Status Codes> 500 Codes
Counter name Description
Count [for Interval] The number of HTTP status codes between 500 and 599 that were received during the most recent sample interval.
Count [for Run] The number of HTTP status codes between 500 and 599 that were received in the entire run.
Run> Run Duration
Counter name Description
Count [for Run] The duration of the run, in milliseconds (ms).
Elapsed Time [H:M:S] The duration of the run, in hours, minutes, and seconds.
Run> Sample Interval Length
Counter name Description
Count [for Run] The length of the sample interval.
Run> Schedule
Counter name Description
Executed Test The web address of the schedule or test that was run.
Run> Start Time
Counter name Description
Count [for Run] The clock value at the start of the run, in milliseconds (ms).
Run> Total Users
Counter Name Description
Count [for Run] The total number of users that were involved in the run.