Integration with IBM® Engineering Workflow Management
You can integrate Engineering Workflow Management (formerly known as Rational® Team Concert™) to create and track defects (bugs) or other work items, as a defect tracking tool in HCL OneTest™ Performance.
You can use HCL OneTest™ Performance to record and play back tests for the application that you develop and view their results. When you discover that you might want to raise defects, issues, or other types of work items for the test assets, you can create defects, issues, or other work items without the need to open Engineering Workflow Management.
For more information about Engineering Workflow Management, refer to the IBM® Engineering Workflow Management documentation.
The following table lists the tasks that you must perform to integrate HCL OneTest™ Performance with Engineering Workflow Management:
Tasks | Go to... |
Install HCL OneTest™ Performance. | Installation of the product by using the stand-alone installer. |
Create any or all of the following types of test assets in HCL OneTest™ Performance to test your application:
Test Author Guide. |
Install Engineering Workflow Management and gain access to it. |
IBM® Engineering Workflow Management documentation. Note: The System
Requirements provide more information about specific versions of Engineering Workflow Management requirements.
Run the test assets. |
Running a local schedule or test. |
Configure the Engineering Workflow Management server URL in HCL OneTest™ Performance. |
Configuring the URL of Engineering Workflow Management. |
Create defects from HCL OneTest™ Performance. | Creating defects in Engineering Workflow Management. |