Stopping stubs by using the HCL OneTest™ API method
You can stop stubs using the HCL OneTest™ API method.
To stop a stub, do the following steps:
- In HCL OneTest™ API Test Lab perspective, find the stub to stop.
- Select the stub and click Stop on the Task Monitor
windows toolbar.
Alternatively, select the stub and click Stop on the Task Monitor toolbar.
Stopping a message-based stub causes the following to happen:
- If traffic was being routed automatically routed to the stub by means of a HCL OneTest™ API Proxy, the proxy will be configured to resume sending messages to the live system.
Stopping a database stub causes the following to happen:
- HCL OneTest™ API instructs each proxy to return to the state it was in before the stub was started.
- The simulation schema is cleared.
Note: Stopping a persistent stub updates the stub with a fresh snapshot of data. A
non-persistent stub is not updated and, if started again, it will revert to its original state. If
there is no connection to the database, exceptions are recorded in a log. In HCL OneTest™ Virtualization, stubs
cannot be persistent.